View Full Version : Is anyone around, panicking

25-01-13, 13:39
I know I don't post much, am more of a lurker, but I have suddenly slipped and am in the middle of a huge panic attack.

After being nearly on top of my HA at the end of last year it has spiralled out of all control, I have had lots of chest pain, breathlessness etc (all has been investigated before) then suddenly out of the blue I was cleaning out my pet rats and caught my finger on one of the bars, if lifted a tiny bit of skin, didn't evn bleed, a microscopic injury, but instantly I thought 'I'm going to get tetnus'.

Panicked constantly for two days, go horribly out of control, ended up seeing the nurse this morning who aid there was no way on earth I could have caught anything and to stop worrying, it was all fine, that she could hardly even see what I had done (you do pretty much need a magnifiing glass).

Came home, felt massively relieved, but after a couple of hours it has all started again, I am sure my jaw hurts and I have a bit of an upset tummy, I am sure there is something wrong, I can't stop crying and shaking just feel like I have completely lost it, I don't know what to do. I want to go to hospital but I know they will look at me like I am crazy and that I am wasting peoples time, but I am so scared.

25-01-13, 13:44
I am new and in a huge panic too. I've made a post below but I'm so worried about ALS and have been for 7 months. I know I have health anxiety but I also know I have it.


25-01-13, 14:21
Yeah, my panic has started yesterday! About Epilepsy for the 3rd time! :weep:

25-01-13, 14:28
Hi there..ok just relax your stomach muscles and drop your shoulders, take deep breaths in and let it out very slowly

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The panic attack can not harm and it will pass just keep repeating what I have told you to do.

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Now focus on something in the room, an ornament, a picture anything describe it, say it out loud if you can

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Repeat my first instruction over again and then smile :) I know it sounds silly and you may not feel like smiling but go on do it..it does help

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Are you still there TheGroundhog? Are you feeling any better?

25-01-13, 15:20
Still here, thank you, I just can't shake it, I am so full of adrenaline, want to run and scream.

I hate this feeling of being so convinced that everyone else is wrong and I am right, even though I know I am wrong iyswim.

I am so frustrated with myself and I can't get rid of the fear.

25-01-13, 15:23
Just keep going over the steps I gave you. If you have any relaxing music, put it on to help you to calm down.

25-01-13, 16:00
Thanks again. The doctors receptionist has just called to confirm that I have had all my tetanus jabs so have lifelong immunity. Instant relief and then the thought that she is just making it up to placate me.

Oh the mind is a wonderous thing.......

25-01-13, 16:20
When you have had a certain number of jabs you do have lifelong immunity, she IS right, don't worry.

25-01-13, 16:28
Ha ha, yes I know that bit is right, my brain is just trying to convince me that she is lying about me actually having the jabs :wacko:

You know if I could only turn only turn my mind to something useful.....it is amazingly powerful.