View Full Version : G m

Gary m
25-01-13, 14:19
Hi I really don't know what to say because I Haven't done any thing like this before ,I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for 20 years now with little help and maybe help with my experiences and get help with outer people's experiences thanks guys

25-01-13, 14:29
Hi, welcome to the site! In comparison I'm really new to anxiety/panic attacks (so much so that prior to 2013 I never even considered that I was an anxious person) but so far this forum has been great in helping me to come to terms with it.

I hope it helps you :)

25-01-13, 14:29
Hi Gary m

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-01-13, 14:29
Hi :welcome:

25-01-13, 15:30
Welcome Gary. Most of us have anxiety issues to a degree. Look through all the useful info on the Home page.

25-01-13, 17:05

25-01-13, 17:22
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


26-01-13, 07:13
Hello and welcome. I'm sure you will get as much help and support here as I have

26-01-13, 07:33

Daisy Sue
26-01-13, 09:00
hello & welcome, Gary :)

26-01-13, 12:34
Hello Gary and :welcome:

26-01-13, 13:06
Hope you're having an ok day
Carmel x:)