View Full Version : So many symptoms, I can't explain

25-01-13, 16:01
Do any of you find that you have so many aches and pains/strange feelings that you cannot even say all of them to the doctor. For instance, I was worried about my heart and chest pains etc, and my doctor asks do I have any other symptoms and I say yes, fast heart rate, tingling, light-headedness, IBS, acid reflux, difficulty breathing, restless legs, pains in arms, pains in legs, strange skin sensations, baffled mind, muscle twitches to name a few. Then you look at your doctor and he looks back at you as though you are mad and as a result sends you on your way. Should I be worried about all these symptoms, a friend said to me that a heart condition would not cause this many symptoms and therefore this is probably caused by anxiety, what do you guys think?

25-01-13, 16:38
Hello I have many symptoms like you, main ones are left arm pain chest pain ibs I find it all hard to believe its anxiety!

25-01-13, 16:43
You will see that many posts describe very similar things that you are experiencing. I had chest pains and had all the checks done which were all clear! A day after my Echocardiogram my chest pain eased and I began to get other symptoms like tremor, headache, worstened tinnitus, left side weakness... it was like my body was taking the micky out of me :unsure:

All you have experienced sound like classic anxiety and I would just say you are not alone in feeling this way. The feeling of doom is horrible and the physical effects of anxiety can be worrying.

I am trying to get through it but I know its a struggle.

Keep your head up!

25-01-13, 17:14
Glad to know Natalie, Gogspurs I know, you stop fearing one symptom and along comes another!

25-01-13, 18:04
Story of my life! Have had a sore armpit and what I thought was a lump there for months.. it appears that said 'lump' was a muscle (I'm such an anxious moose!)... now I'm convinced that I the back and shoulder pain I have is some horrific degenerative disease! I would like a night off from my anxiety please! :D

25-01-13, 18:15
I could write a book, on all the symptoms that I get! Heart/chest pains is one of my biggest, then along comes all the other fun stuff. You are so not alone. :hugs: