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View Full Version : Biopsy on mole

25-01-13, 17:55
I have managed to get myself into a complete panic about skin cancer!
I have a large number of moles and have noticed that one had changed slightly however I cannot remember how long ago it had changed! I went to the gp yesterday in a complete panic and she checked me over and said that there were a few that were slightly irregular and that she would send me to see a consultant to get it checked out. Well this sent me into a complete panic. Luckily I have some health cover and have managed to see a consultant today who checked me over said I was ok apart from one on my right breast. He has now removed this and I now have to wait for the results which it's making me so nervous !
Has anyone else had a biopsy on a mole? Do the results come back pretty quick?
Do you think he would just remove it to be on the safe side??
I am such a worrier at the best if times but this ishorrible

25-01-13, 18:11
Awww Sorry you are not feeling well. My daughter is a surgical assistant for a skin cancer specialist. I just asked her if they would remove a mole just for safe reasons, and she said yes they would if it looks like it could have potential to turn into something later on they would. (preventative maintenance) She says most of the time they come back fine, and you should have your results within a week, she also says that if it was malignant melanoma they would know right away. So I think your good, but I am not the Doctor, just some good advice from my daughter who has seen it all. Hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

25-01-13, 18:50
Thank you for the reply panickyme.
That's good to know that they would able to spot if it was malignant melanoma. I am such a terrible worrier and everything is going through my mind plus I have just had a baby 6 weeks ago so my emotional state is all over the place at the moment!

26-01-13, 13:24
Awwww Congratulations! :) So happy for you. You will be alright, just enjoy that little baby. Let me know how you do. :hugs:

31-01-13, 13:06
Just got a letter from the clinic everything is fine such a huge relief!
Thanks for taking time to reply to me !!
Take care

31-01-13, 13:16
So pleased to hear that everything is fine :yesyes:

02-02-13, 22:03
:yesyes: So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugs: