View Full Version : SNOW FEAR

25-01-13, 23:42
I know it sounds odd but last week it snowed bad & I got so anxious & wound up I threaded and was beside myself worrying if my car would manage the sch run! Tonight snow/blizzard & again I'm stressing thinking what if I stopped breathing and an ambulance couldn't reach me, despite living on a main road in a city. Oh I've been to Italy skiing for gods sake but now I'm a gad sufferer and the switch is turned on ~ I'm a lunatic! Ive got young kids & instead of thinking I'll go out sledging , im just petrified & feel clostrophobic. Anyone else,like this?

26-01-13, 09:23
Col I am sorry I don't have an answer here for you except to say the snow is supposed to be clearing soon. I have'nt left the house for 10 days now and have never worried qbout driving in the snow until this year. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

Kerry B
26-01-13, 09:26
I am not worried too much about the snow, but when every I go to a new town/city I always like to no where the nearest hospital is. Feel Isolated makes me anxiety and can lead to me having a panic attack. I can understand what you mean being snowed in and ambulance would not be able to reach you. Hopefully the snow is going and the rain on its way, it is where I live anyway.

26-01-13, 10:22
thanks guys, I feel a bit better this morning, I just went t sleep! I was stood at the bedroom window and I could feel myself hyperventilating more and more. So I went to bed. Thankyou soo much, I know it sounds stupid but I hate it, soo much this year, bizarre. XX

26-01-13, 10:36
I totally no how ur feeling about snow I feel as if am locked in and if I need to escape then I can't cos the snow is so thick really makes me a lot more panicky than usual I was happy yest that it went but then last nyt it came down really heavy and I was out at a concert then on my way home people where stuck in the snow I even got stuck twice, the sun is out today so hoping it melts it all asap :(

27-01-13, 21:31
Dear Col you are certainly not alone with your fear of the snow. I absolutely dread the snow the cold and ice and bad weather. Before the snow arrived I was constantly checking the weather forecast online so I knew exactly what time the snow should arrive. I was dreading last Monday because I had a doctors appointment but I left forty five minutes early for the usual twenty minute journey. I arrived early!! The last bad snow we had it had taken me an hour to do a fifteen minute journey into work. I was in tears when I arrived. This time my boss agreed to bring me in and take me home!! I have had some bad experiences in the snow. Once it took me two hours to get to work (different job) I managed to get there only to be told the nursery was closed. This was after getting stuck on a hill (wheels had iced together) and been pushed by a very kind man. The nursery nurses were threatened with disciplinary action because they hadn't driven in. I did not stay there long after that. I forced myself to go in as I had had taken time off to try to come off my meds to try for another baby. Well I became ill again so the second baby didn't happen. I visualise the worst cenario or go over a bad experience in the past .Also in the snow I was waiting to go at a roundabout and a car went in the back of mine. Both cars were fine not a scratch. A police car stopped and asked if we were ok also stopped the traffic so we could rejoin it again!! Also an ambulance was passing and stopped to see if we were ok. Shaken but ok!! My dear hubs ignored my pleas repeatedly to come home from Suffolk to Essex. He would not come home as the snow had not started there. Well we had thick snow here. It took then three hours to get home to Essex. They came across someone who was going the wrong way up the A14 (on the right carriageway) and needed to get to Nottingham but had missed his turn off. It was the journey from hell. I was at home wondering if they were safe. I know that the worst case scenario isn't true - your mind runs the same horror stories- mine does. EJ