View Full Version : dizzy anxiouse panic help

26-01-13, 09:27
omg what is wrong with me i have not had much sleep i had been awake two hours had had a cup of tea reading some stuff on here then thought i will go get some breakfast i was in the kitchen and my head began to spin i began to panic the spining got worse i felt sick i was now shaking with fear feel like my eyes are all over the place even now and it happend an hour aga but still very shaky and off balance so scared what the hell is wrong with me i have suffed for yrs with anxiet panic agraphobia yet every thing still scares me i am haveing more and more panic attacks just latley i am so so anxiouse all the time help take care

Daisy Sue
26-01-13, 09:37
it's horrid... and sometimes it gears up into full blown panic so quickly, you don't get chance to make it calm down at the first stages..

just try to relax your mind and your body as best you can, do whatever you need to achieve that, whether it's lying on your bed or curling up in a chair.. focus your mind on something in the room, and keep telling yourself it's only anxiety, it will go, it won't hurt you...

oh and breathe!! slowly, deeply...
