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View Full Version : A bit icky but... Help! Black stools!

Orange Lightning
26-01-13, 12:29
Oh no. I was finally starting to get better when the possibility of GERD causing all my symptoms was mentionned, but now this has happened. I've been on Lansoprazole for a few days now, and it's not working 100% but at least it's working a bit. Sadly I'm very constipated and struggle to have bowel movements. Those that I do pass are very dark and foul smelling, they may *ahem* float to. Worst of all they're dark on the tissue as well.

I'm petrified this is blood caused by a digestive problem, as I can't see a doctor for weeks once again I'm worried I'll bleed myself out before getting help. It doesn't help that I'm also lightheaded and tired even after sleeping. How do I know for certain if I'm excreting blood, or does Lansoprazole have that effect on people? :scared15:

26-01-13, 12:36
Hi, are you taking any iron supplements as this can cause it? Also eating certain foods. Have you had anything dark like liquorice etc?

If no to either, I would go and get checked out. Why can't you see your doctor sooner?

Daisy Sue
26-01-13, 12:36
hiya... have you just had the dark stool problem since being on the Lansoprazole, or was this a symptom before? and what about the constipation, is that also since starting the drug??

i've just read up the possible side effects on your behalf, they do mention dizzyness and very, very remote possibility of fecal blood... so i guess i'd want to decide if it could possibly be the Lanso, and if so, i'd stop taking it until i'd spoken to either a doctor or taken advice from NHS Direct.

Orange Lightning
26-01-13, 12:45
Hi, are you taking any iron supplements as this can cause it? Also eating certain foods. Have you had anything dark like liquorice etc?

If no to either, I would go and get checked out. Why can't you see your doctor sooner?

Unfortunatly there aren't any appointments available for 2 weeks, unless I go to a duty doctor, and that's down to chance of them being there. They're closed all weekend anyway so I'm stuck. :( I had a single iron tablet 2 days ago when I felt really lightheaded, but I doubt 1 tablet will do much. My diet has actually been very restricted due to the acid reflux; more fibre and fruit but less of just about everything else.

hiya... have you just had the dark stool problem since being on the Lansoprazole, or was this a symptom before? and what about the constipation, is that also since starting the drug??

i've just read up the possible side effects on your behalf, they do mention dizzyness and very, very remote possibility of fecal blood... so i guess i'd want to decide if it could possibly be the Lanso, and if so, i'd stop taking it until i'd spoken to either a doctor or taken advice from NHS Direct.

The constipation began the same day I started taking the Lansoprazole, but apparently the medicine is meant to sometimes cause diarrhea instead!

Daisy Sue
26-01-13, 13:11
even one iron tablet can turn your stools dark for a couple of days, especially if you've got slow transit as with constipation... i woudn't worry too much, but if you think it's going to make you anxious, then it's worth ringing NHS Direct for reassurance... they are really wonderful, have helped me and my family many times. xx

27-01-13, 22:21
Hey, did you figure this out? I'm on iron tablets and my stools are black. As soon as I had taken one it happened so if you have taken any iron there's a strong chance that's the cause...