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View Full Version : Getting nervous now.... my brother is coming...

26-01-13, 13:46
My brother is visiting today with his partner & my 8 year old nephew. I had been really looking forward to it, with a bit of apprehension thrown in, only he's not ever been to where I live now. I've been here a long time & shared the place with my partner for over 10 years, it's our home now.
I only started talking to my brother again about 9 years ago as he was pretty horrrible to me when I was growing up. He wasnt the only one that bullied & emotionally abused me.
But when I started therapy 10 yrs ago, I approached him about our past. Because he apologised (without being asked) we've been able to bury our differences & move on. We have a good relationship now & he's contributed to helping me resolve my differences with the past. I'm grateful for that.
Now he'll be here in the next hour & instead of looking forward to it, I'm getting pretty darn nervous. I thought I was going to be OK but I suppose its a mixture of nerves and apprehension about having someone different come to our house... but also of course because I want to enjoy seeing him but it still stirs up alot of past feelings for me!
Anyway, I just felt like getting that off my chest so that hopefully I'll relax a little before he arrives......

26-01-13, 14:16
It is the apprehension before something happens that always gets my anxiety going but I am sure that once your brother and his family are there you will feel more settled. It will be lovely for you to spend some time with your nephew too. :hugs:

26-01-13, 14:43
I hope all goes well today with your brother. :hugs:

26-01-13, 17:19
It's understandable your nerves have built up as your brother's visit draws close. Although your anxiety has grown, you HAVE mostly been looking forward to his visit.

I hope you have managed to enjoy your brother's visit.

26-01-13, 18:31
Hello - and thank you for your replies...... well they've been & gone now (on their way to stay the night with my brother who lives a few miles up the road). Right before they arrived I felt rather like I could just cry.... crazy really as I was looking forward to seeing them but then I guess it stirs up emotions even when it's people you want to see!
We had plenty of fun, messing about playing with my nephew, he's funny - he makes me laugh. We were playing with silly apps - things that repeat what you say back to you & daft stuff like that. My brother & his partner get on really well with my partner too & I like seeing them together. So yeah - we did enjoy ourselves and had hugs hello & goodbye as well.... something that used to make me nervous thinking about, where as now with people I like/trust I can just do it.
So all in all, a good afternoon...... and my brother & I were reminiscing about some of what happened in our childhood & were able to laugh at a couple of things. Its like we're in it together now even tho we were enemies back then. LIke somehow we've managed to bond despite everything.
I hope you've also had enjoyable afternoons too & thanks again for replying....

26-01-13, 18:37
Tessar I have been thinking about you all afternoon an wondering how the visit was going. I am so happy that it turned out so well for you and that they also got on well with your partner. It is good to know that despite everything that happened in the past you and your brother have been able to bond :yesyes: x

28-01-13, 14:48
Tessar I have been thinking about you all afternoon an wondering how the visit was going. I am so happy that it turned out so well for you and that they also got on well with your partner. It is good to know that despite everything that happened in the past you and your brother have been able to bond :yesyes: x
thank you annie, its really nice to know someone was thinking about me. its that kind of reassurance I like about NMP. coz even if i'm doing something for myself, i feel like my friends are there with me! makes it easier i reckon.