View Full Version : Arebody suffer pain everyday due to health anxiety

02-09-06, 11:49
Since I started to suffer from health anxiety, my life has not been that good.

For three years I suffered with 24/7 headaches.
Then for six months I suffered with frequent urination.
Then for a few months I suffered with stomach and back ache.
And current issues are with my throat as it's sore.

Has anybody else suffer an everyday life like this?

02-09-06, 12:20

Yes I know what you mean, its feels as if a day or even an hour can't go by, without having to worry about something, and then if I do feel ok, I still worry bacause i am thinking "why don't I feel ill".

I used to have the 24/7 headaches, and tablets did'nt seem to take it off much, then when the headaches stopped another symptom would come along for a few weeks and that would give me something else to worry about.

Try not to worry, [:O] God I can't believe I have just said that, I should listen to my own advice.

Take Care


02-09-06, 12:22
Hi Red,

I can totally relate to this. At the minute mine is my back and stomach. Last thing was the dizziness and before that was the lump in throat so yes me too. You are not alone believe me.

Take Care


02-09-06, 13:39
Yes I totally agree,

If its not one thing it's another. Lots of us feel the same. The only bit of advice I can give you is try to steer clear of painkillers whenever you can - if you over-use them, they can actually CAUSE headaches (strange but true I'm afraid)as I have experienced myself.

02-09-06, 14:03
yes, every day for 5 years and counting

chest pain
left arm pain
stomach pains
neck pain
sinus problems
leg pain

i could add more but i wont depress meself

left arm one is the latest to really affect me


02-09-06, 14:56
yes i agree there is not a day that i have felt fully well for 9 yrs.
but i have learned to accept it and live with it - the less you think about it the better it becomes though

darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

03-09-06, 09:51
hi everybody i am totally the same, everyday from waking up, i think i could feel faint or dizzy when i wake up, or my heart could go fast, i get one day were i feel like i cant breath then the next day i can feel my heart beating so i get the anxiety, then the next day there could be something different i could go on and on but i wont bore you ha ha, i even work in a hospital which is bad, if a patient has been told they have got cancer i think i have got it, but i say now just except the feelings because you have had them before and nothing has happened to you,because the more anxiety you get the worst your symptoms are going to be and i suppose the feelings you get before the anxiety are better to cope with so i try and not fill my mind with bad senarios, keep in touch x