View Full Version : diarrhea every morning for two months...

26-01-13, 18:03
I'm always feeling nauseous, dizzy and feeling like i'm going to throw up. Two months ago when all this started, I went to my doc and they did a stool sample and said I 'probably' had a bug but everything was normal, no fever or high blood pressure. It continued to happen for weeks but I had other symptoms so my doc scheduled a mri for my head but it was normal. I wake up feeling so sick and I have diarrhea when I wake up but an hour or two after I wake up i'm fine. I'm male and I eat regularly, I usually eat an hour after I wake up because if I eat right when I wake up, it makes things worse and I feel sicker..

26-01-13, 18:05
Morning diarrhea is quite common with anxiety.

26-01-13, 18:19
Morning diarrhea is quite common with anxiety.

I don't wake up with anxiety, I was asking because this is giving me anxiety. I really want to know what it could be and how to prevent it or treat it.

26-01-13, 18:22
You could ask the doctor to test a stool sample to see if there are any bugs etc present.

26-01-13, 18:22
It could be IBS as well

26-01-13, 20:45
I had that too for a whole month last year, and then after that it just came regularly but not everyday.

I went to the doctor a couple of times for it and she gave me some stuff to help with my stool being normal. I was going to get a sample done but then it came right.

I was diagnosed with IBS about six years ago though but never had diarrea just constipation and now its diarrea and then it can be both.

You could have IBS if no bug is detected, but I would get a sample done and try some fibre stuff that you can get from your doctor. I always thought it would've been grose and embarrassing to send away a sample of diarrea though lol.

I hope you are able to get this sorted.

27-01-13, 21:01
does sound like could be ibs.i get intermitten diahorea and constipation with mine and definalty feel nauseous during an attack.
but bugs can stay around in the system for a while.
do you feel a churning in your belly before you go and do you have any gnawing pains in your belly.

28-01-13, 01:58
My stomach always feels crampy and lately when I pass stool, its mostly mucus..

28-01-13, 02:09
So could be IBS then as I said

28-01-13, 08:56
Okay, I'm going to see what my doctor thinks so I'll make an appointment today. Thanks everyone.

28-01-13, 10:07
I know what you mean I have a lot of mucous too and was wondering that myself one time. I usually get it when my tummy is yuck and my bowels are sore and painful.

Let us know what your doctor says about the mucous.

28-01-13, 18:09
It does sound like IBS. My Dad has it and he said the same problem until he went to a specialist and got diagnosed with IBS. I sometimes get loose stools when I'm anxious as well, so that could also be a possibility. I'm glad you're going to see a doctor though. Let us know how you get on.