View Full Version : if i was having a heart attack

26-01-13, 18:13
would it be possible to do daily things like go to the shop, make a cup of tea and sit on the internet

wondering this as i have had the classic symptoms since monday night/tuesday afternoon but i am in discomfort from my chest pain and shoulders although today i havent (yet) had the pains in my jaw


26-01-13, 18:23
I have had a heart attack and I wouldn't have posted on here asking if I was having one if that makes sense?

26-01-13, 18:30
i think so? i take it you mean you wouldnt have been able to due to the pain?

thanks again as i want to try and finally rid these monster attacks

26-01-13, 18:38
The first thing we did was call 999 as I knew something wasn't right.

It was not the usual chest pain I got with anxiety and I had pain in my right arm.

26-01-13, 18:46
Thats interesting Nic that you had chest pains prior to your heart attack. Before you had it, did you used to think your chest pains were a possible heart attack?

26-01-13, 18:46
i wondered as its been going on for 5 days constantly so is that a sign that it wouldnt be my heart as i imagine it would be happening pretty quick

thanks hun

26-01-13, 18:51
Arnie - no I never thought they were heart related to be honest as I was told by my doctor that they were probably anxiety related and I accepted that.

When I got chest pains I used to stretch my arms out behind me and that helped ease it.

Also indigestion causes chest pains.

After the heart attack I was admitted twice more to hospital with chest pains and both were sorted with Omeprazole (to treat indigestion) so I now know that most chest pains are indigestion related and not heart.

26-01-13, 18:53
Thanks Nic. Thats what my doctor thinks my chest pains are down to. Endoscopy yesterday was clear though so must just be excess acid though Omeprazole and Ranitidine didnt help.

26-01-13, 18:55
I really belive you know your body.
The few times I've been sick for real, I knew something was not right.
Heart attack symptoms often are the same as a panic attack, difference being with a heart attack you're in serious pain.

Chest pain isn't always your heart, indigestion, reflux, acid, muscle cramps/tension all cause chest pain, the cartalidge even in the chest can get inflamed its harmless and it's just a matter of waiting it out. So again lots of non dangerous reasons for chest pain.

If you're worried or the pain is unusual for you or won't ease up maybe pop down to the doctor :)

26-01-13, 21:01
thanks everyone

i am also on omeprazole and when i took it today i must admit it did ease looking back and yesterday i took it in the morning and i didnt get my first chest pain yesterday until about 4pm

my hubby says i always say they feel different so thats why im getting in a state because i really dont think i have had these before but it is in waves, have it now again but not too bad

---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:19 ----------

just moped the apartment floors and something is odd, the pain in twingeing in my jaw (hubby says i do clench and grind teetrh when sleeping ) but the chest pain has stopped for the time being now surely it would be worse after the slight exertion

anx mum
26-01-13, 21:23
The first thing we did was call 999 as I knew something wasn't right.

It was not the usual chest pain I got with anxiety and I had pain in my right arm.

What did pain in arm feel like?

26-01-13, 22:08
Hi Bev - I just replied on your thread lol

06-02-13, 16:18
still no better

sitting minding own business wwatching tv and browsing net then a sudden shooting pain went round the bottom of my chest under ribs and disappeared, then throbbing pain in left arm and pons n needles in left hand and strange sensation in chest and shallow brathing

used wrist monitor and bp was 152/96 pulse 79

really dont know what to do as we are having a calima (sand and dust storm) and dont want to go out and feel worse