View Full Version : Help/advice please! Desperate!

26-01-13, 18:36
Hello, I'm a 20 year old young woman suffering from panic attacks/panic disorder.
I've come to this website hopefully to get answers/help from people who might be
going through the same thing as me. I feel so alone with this condition.
Basically, I've suffered from depression since I was 14, i've been on
fluoxetine ever since. It has saved my life, I don't think I would've been
able to carry on living if this medication hadn't helped me.
I've been doing really well for years now, a few blips here and there
but nothing serious! Until a few months ago..
I went out to a friends party, had a few drinks & smoked a bit of cannabis.
Peer pressure kind of made me do it, but I was fully aware it was wrong.
I've drank & smoked cannabis before & it's never had a terrible outcome for me.
This time was completely different..
I zoned out for like 10 minutes, had no idea what was going on & then when I came
back round I had my first ever full blown panic attack. I was sick, shaking, feeling faint,
I felt as if I was about to die. It was one of the worst things i've ever experienced!
I went home a few hours later & slept it off & carried on life as normal.
Since this has happened i've been worried about it happening again but it was easy
enough for me to control it by myself. However, 4 days ago I was going to the cinemas
with my friend, driving along the motorway I had a sudden rush and my vision went fuzzy.
I knew I was about to pass out, I had to pull over before something bad happened.
Luckily the motorway wasn't too busy so I was able to pull over fast.
When pulled over I carried on having a massive panic attack.
I had to ring my mother to come pick me up because I was too shaken
up to drive back home! It was one of the worst days of my life.
I'm still terribly shaken up about the whole situation & scared to leave
the house incase another one strikes me.
I've upped my dose to 40mg of fluoxetine since this happened in November.
I also take omega 3 tablets (1000mg a day) as I heard this reduces anxiety.
Do you think this medication will help? I went out for the first time in a while today.
I went bowling & for a meal for my cousins birthday & the whole time I felt I was tripping.
Completely lost touch with reality! Suffering from dp/dr a lot :(
Any suggestions/help/personal stories will help me out so much!
I feel so alone, scared, & depressed about the whole thing, I don't know what to do :weep:

26-01-13, 18:56

You had some good replies to this here:


26-01-13, 18:58
It's not the same! I've added to this post about other things.
I need people to read this version & give me advice/help :(
I'm on the verge of tears!
I feel helpless :'(

26-01-13, 19:12
I removed all the others you posted but left this one for people to reply on.

I am sure people will be along soon to help

26-01-13, 19:13
Hi there-

I'm the same age as you and have the same condition, as well as depression and health anxiety. Today I ran for about two minutes before I broke down and started crying in front of my friends. I know how hard it is to cope but we just have to keep going.

I'm going to pm you to check you're okay/so you feel less alone in this.

26-01-13, 21:16
Somebody, anybody, help me please :'(
I'm lying here in bed feeling like i'm going
insane! I feel like i'm loosing my mind :'(

26-01-13, 22:12
Hi there

I'm so sorry that you're struggling right now but please can I give you a bit of advice :)

If you suffer from anxiety, depression or indeed any psychological problem you really should steer well clear of cannabis, it will make your condition worse plus it will make you very paranoid too and it will not help you in any way, shape or form :)

Right now you need to try as hard as you can to get yourself to calm down, it is fear that's taking over you and that's what is making you feel so ill :)

Try just laying on your bed, listening to some pleasant music, really concentrate on the music and your breathing, slow your breathing down by taking breaths in through your nose and letting it out slowly through your mouth :) Try and think pleasant thoughts to stop the scary thoughts coming in.

You wont feel like this for ever hun, it will pass and I'm sure that your medication will soon kick in and start to help you, but please stay away from any of the illegal stuff, it will do you much more harm than good hun :hugs:

27-01-13, 03:04
Hello HM2012, how are you feeling now? Keep posting.

27-01-13, 03:15
My dear HM2012,

I'm kind of the same age as you and I get anxiety disorders and panic attack 2 months ago.

When I was a kid I was diagnosed with Autonomic Nervous System disorders.

You can read this book it will have you out of this situation


this one is specially for panic attack


and this


give it a try :D you can get some of meditation of taking a class of Yoga as I am doing

Or you can go to the chatroom with people here. They're very nice and kindness. Although I'm Vietnamese but I can still feel the warmth of their caring.

Keep it going, you can do it, trust me.

P.S: Remember that you WILL NEVER go insane. Because you aware that so you CAN'T be insane. It's just anxious.

27-01-13, 06:13
Thank you for all your replies so far!
Please keep them coming!
I feel awful.
Just woken up in a panic & hot sweat.
I don't know how much more I can take :'(

27-01-13, 11:18
I'm really struggling.
Please help/leave advice.
ANYTHING will do!
Thanks :(

27-01-13, 13:16
HM2012, so you're on the fluoxetine? Do you take something for the panic like a benzo? You need to break the anxiety/panic. I was in a constant state of panic a few months ago and the doctor gave me klonopin to take with the fluoxetine. It has helped tremendously. You sound like you need to something to calm your nerves. It's a horrible state to be in. I feel for you. :hugs:

27-01-13, 13:24
What is benzo or klonopin?
Yeah, I need all the help I can get! :(

27-01-13, 13:41
A benzo is kinda like a sedative. Xanax, Valium, klonopin are all very common benzos and are typically prescribed by a doctor to patients who have frequent anxiety/panic attacks to use on a short term basis to break the anxiety cycle or until your AD kicks in. Are you on fluoxetine and for how long? You're suffering when you should be taking something to calm your nerves. You need to talk to your doctor. Do you see a psychiatrist?

---------- Post added at 08:38 ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 ----------

I don't know your history and I am NOT a doctor but there are medicines that you can take to help you through this rough patch. It won't go away over night and it seems like you're right where I was a few months ago. I tried 3 different AD's before starting the fluoxetine. I'm 8 weeks in now at 20mg and slowly seeing improvements.

---------- Post added at 08:41 ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 ----------

If you don't feel comfortable putting it all out on here you can send me a private message. I'm here to help. BIG :hugs:

27-01-13, 14:19
A benzo is kinda like a sedative. Xanax, Valium, klonopin are all very common benzos and are typically prescribed by a doctor to patients who have frequent anxiety/panic attacks to use on a short term basis to break the anxiety cycle or until your AD kicks in. Are you on fluoxetine and for how long? You're suffering when you should be taking something to calm your nerves. You need to talk to your doctor. Do you see a psychiatrist?

---------- Post added at 08:38 ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 ----------

I don't know your history and I am NOT a doctor but there are medicines that you can take to help you through this rough patch. It won't go away over night and it seems like you're right where I was a few months ago. I tried 3 different AD's before starting the fluoxetine. I'm 8 weeks in now at 20mg and slowly seeing improvements.

---------- Post added at 08:41 ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 ----------

If you don't feel comfortable putting it all out on here you can send me a private message. I'm here to help. BIG :hugs:

Could you explain what the AD is please? I'm new to this so sorry for asking :D

27-01-13, 14:27
AD, anti depressant.

27-01-13, 14:41
I don't mind discussing it on here.
I've been on AD since I was 14, i'm now 20!
I first started on them for depression & they worked
for me so well! I only started getting panic attacks/disorder
in October! I've always been a nervous person but always been
able to handle it until I started having panic attacks! Xx

27-01-13, 15:18
Ok..do you have a psychiatrist? You may need to switch your AD because it may have stopped working and is now having a reverse effect and upping the dose only makes it worse. How long have you been on the fluoxetine?? That happened to me when I was taking Celexa, it was a nightmare!! If anything you need to call your doctor who is prescribing your AD and tell him what's going on ASAP! You need to stop the panic, if you don't have a benzo then you need to start taking deep breaths from your belly, push the panic away in your head, try to think of happy thoughts. You are probly exhausted and that's gonna make it worse too. Call your doctor an let me know what he/she says. And if it gets so bad where you're having trouble breathing or feel total loss of control, you can go to the emergency room and they will give you something to calm you down. Try not to be afraid, it's hard, very hard but the fear is what's causing the panic. Keep me posted and please call your doctor!!!

---------- Post added at 10:18 ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 ----------

My panic attacks along with the dizzy, shaking, feeling like I was gonna die, I had diarrhea too and sometimes vomited. If you have those symptoms as well make sure you're drinking plenty of water/fluids so you don't dehydrate.

27-01-13, 15:23
Thank you so much Ocean2!
You're making me feel slightly better already.
I take 40mg of flux, 1000mg of Omega 3, 1 vitamin tablet a day.
Also try to meditate a few times a week which always helps.
I want to get back to my old carefree self, able to go out & enjoy life.
That's all I want, it seems so far away at times though :'( Xx

27-01-13, 15:33
What are your symptoms?

27-01-13, 15:58
Feeling as if i'm going to faint or die.
Chest pains.
Upset stomach.
Feeling like i'm loosing the plot/going insane.

27-01-13, 18:59
Checking in with you HM2012, are you feeling any better? Worse? Did you talk to a doctor? Have you slept or eaten anything?

27-01-13, 19:02
A little bit better, I always feel constantly spaced out though.
Anyone know why this is? Doctors aren't open on Sunday here,
if I have another bad attack this week i'll go see them!

27-01-13, 19:11
Like I said..if you feel that bad and can't control it and can't get a hold of a doctor, you can always go to hospital and they'll give you something to calm down. I hate that anyone has to suffer with constant panic. When it was happening to me, I thought it was going to kill me. But..iv survived and have come a looooong way but I know I still have a way to go. Keep posting with updates. I wanna make sure you're ok. Do you live at home with mom? That would be the best thing for you :)

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

How long have you been on the fluoxetine?

27-01-13, 19:23
Yeah, I still live at home. I've been on flux for 6 years now!
It really helped when I was diagnosed with depression as a teen!
Tell me your coping techniques? How did/do you get through it?
I need as much help/advice as I can & you're helping me so far! Xx

27-01-13, 21:18
Honestly I think The fluoxetine may be what's causing some if your problems. I think you need to switch AD's. sometimes the meds we take plateau which means they stop working. You had your first panic attack in oct? And now you're having them on a regular basis? If the actual panic doesn't go away after a few days, then I feel it's the Fluox. And if you don't feel you need to switch meds then I suggest you speak to your doctor about a benzo.

How I coped...Xanax! Xanax was my friend for a long time. But when I had my actual breakdown this past Sept, even the Xanax wasn't my friend anymore, it just wasn't helping me enough. That's when the doctor put me on the fluoxetine and klonopin and together they've helped me so much. Iv bought and read anxiety books, I go to therapy every two wks and I'm learning to meditate. But when I was first diagnosed with panic disorder, medication (sedative) was the only thing that was gonna help me at that point. There's ways to train your mind to stop the fear and never have an attack again, I would love to know how to do that but first I need to get comfortable and feel confident again. At my worst moments, I'd take a Xanax and hope to fall asleep and wake up normal but I'd just wake up back in a nightmare. I'd lay in bed and think....just relax, deep breaths, and id pretend that my body was releasing all the anxiety and negative energy. It helped, but I still needed that Xanax to calm me down enough to function and sleep.

How do you feel right now? I'm insistent you call or see your doctor tomorrow. Let him know what you're feeling. I hope you have a psychiatrist, they know much more about meds and side effects and how to help people deal with actual mental illness. Keep me posted on how you're feeling. Positive thoughts, breathe deep, drink some decaf tea and try to relax. I'm here if you need me. BIG:hugs:

27-01-13, 21:45
Thank you! I saw my doctor in December about it all & she didn't
want me to swap medication because of how well it'd helped me in
the past! If i'm honest, weed is what set this whole sprial off!
It's ****ed me over big time, as soon as I got my first panic attack
in October i've stayed well away from it! Not gone near the stuff!
Nor would I ever go near it again! I'm just hoping this is a rough patch
that i'll be able to overcome in time with the right lifestyle etc.
I start a new job in a call centre in a few weeks & I don't want my
anxiety/panic disorder to screw that up! Do you have any tips?
Thank you for all your help so far! Xx

27-01-13, 22:58
My best advice at this point is to just give it time. If you still feel bad by the end of the week and you've tried everything, you're mediation and relaxing techniques then go back to the doctor.
You smoked some weed and had a bad reaction, I will not judge cuz we were all young once lol. But now that your mind has been exposed to the panic and anxiety, it can be difficult to get rid of. So just take it easy and keep me posted.

28-01-13, 12:09
HM2012, thinking of you. how are you feeling today?

28-01-13, 13:07
Awful! Had a breakdown this morning!
Think you're right about the flux not working anymore!
I think if anything I need to go down to 20mg instead of 40mg.
My dad's picking me up to stay at his now but I feel nervous/like a zombie.
It's killing me. This medication is not helping me anymore :'( Xx

28-01-13, 13:46
Call your doctor! You may need to switch, go down and you need a benzo to stop the panic. Is it panic you're feeling? What is it you're feeling exactly?

---------- Post added at 08:46 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

Keep me posted on what you do and how you're feeling throughout the day. I'll be thinking of you. :hugs:

28-01-13, 18:34
What's the best way to come off 40mg to 20mg?

28-01-13, 19:20
Hi, I'm much older than you, but have found that using alcohol and drugs are the worst thing you can do. Stick to a drug free life if you can, drink water or pepsi when you're with friends.
I have been teetotal and illegal drug free for about a year now, and the panic and depression are back under control.

28-01-13, 19:41
You have to talk to the doctor who upped your dose to 40mg and ask the doctor what you should do. You should never up or lower a dose of medication without a doctor advising so.

28-01-13, 20:14
She doesn't know i'm on 40mg, I never went down to 20mg
as I felt I couldn't cope :( Need help going down to 20mg.

28-01-13, 21:49
HM2012, you have to talk to a doctor tomorrow and get the meds straightened out. Are you afraid to call the doctor? And I'm confused...were you prescribed 20mg? when did you start taking 40mg?

28-01-13, 21:54
I was prescribed 20mg but went up to 40mg because
I couldn't cope but didn't tell the doctor because I was
scared :'( Now I realise 40mg is making me feel like a
zombie & bad side effects I know I need to down my dose
to 20mg & stick to it. Thing is, how do I do that? Xx

28-01-13, 22:07
I'm not exactly sure how to do that without talking to your doctor first. You can start by taking your prescribed dose next time you take it rather than double. Make an apt with your doctor, she will have all the answers. How are you feeling at the moment?

28-01-13, 22:22
Still feel terrible :( Feel dp/dr really bad :(

28-01-13, 22:34
hey hun i myself had the same as you a few months back while driving, my vision started going funny and i had tunnel vision then my heart started racing i didnt know how i was going to get home alive, i also had my children in the car then i had another bad reaction when i realised i never had my diazepams with me which made me even worse, the key here is to not fearing our sensations (as hard as it seems it really works) infact i was in the shop the other week and felt a sudden urge of adrenilin and then started panicking :( i then said to myself come on then give me the best you got your boring me now and in time it subsided and i laughed to myself wow i beat anxiety that day :) anyway the reason we get this disorder is because we are so scared of being scared that are thoughts are so irrational, yet we will find we are so good at giving advice but when were in the brink of anxiety its hard to cope.

if you ever need to talk i am here inbox me any time, but please try and tell your anxiety to bring it on give you its best as soon as anxiety knows your not scared you will be amazed how quick it can actually go! goodluck hun.

28-01-13, 22:42
Thank you Nichola! Are you on medication?
How do you cope/what helps you? Xx

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

Any advice/tips will do! :(

29-01-13, 13:11
Hello HM2012, how are you feeling today?

29-01-13, 14:12
Little bit better, only had one 20mg today & feel
miles more alert/awake! There might be a light
at the end of the tunnel! I hope, i pray! Xx

29-01-13, 15:56
Well that's good news!! Keep me posted.

29-01-13, 16:54
Nichola is 100% right and what she is advocating is at the heart and soul of CBT (which I really think you should investigate). Facing down the panic by finally realising it cannot do a single thing to harm you is what will free you from it all.
Meds take the sting off it but if you aren't doing anything at the same time to address whatever issues you have you aren't really dealing with the problem which is a behavioural one. The meds may help you manage the symptoms you give yourself but they don't change your behaviour - only you yourself can do that.
I am amazed at the amount of people on here suffering daily, loads of them all taking meds, if these meds really are so truly fabulous for anxiety what is everybody doing still on these forums. why aren't they all out there enjoying life?
As i have mentioned before on other threads, I have had 20 years of anxiety, been housebound, been to a&e, had health anxiety and a whole array of tests, have had moments where i could not literally move for fear, have missed out on thousands of moments, lost my job, thought about taking my own life several times, I have tried many self help books, had good times and bad times.
Anxiety is about as deeply entrenched in me as it could be.
I have never had meds as i was far to paranoid to take them.
I can't tell you strongly enough how Behavioural and Cognitive (thinking) therapy is the key.
We don't have physical illness. We have developed wrong behaviours and illogical thinking patterns. These together will sustain your anxiety for as long as you continue them.
Clinical depression, psychotic illnesses, yes, there are chemical imbalances involved which can be addressed with seratonin.
But pure neurosis? Anxiety? I can't help but feel that the medical profession are letting many of us down by just prescribing a pill and sending us on our way with drugs that will affect our minds.
There is nothing wrong with our minds. Our poor minds are just responding to our own thoughts, it only keeps ordering up more adrenaline for us as it thinks it's helping us by doing so. We are sending it the message to do it....

30-01-13, 13:20
Hello HM2012, just checking in on you. How are you feeling today??

30-01-13, 16:03
Nichola is 100% right and what she is advocating is at the heart and soul of CBT (which I really think you should investigate). Facing down the panic by finally realising it cannot do a single thing to harm you is what will free you from it all.
Meds take the sting off it but if you aren't doing anything at the same time to address whatever issues you have you aren't really dealing with the problem which is a behavioural one. The meds may help you manage the symptoms you give yourself but they don't change your behaviour - only you yourself can do that.
I am amazed at the amount of people on here suffering daily, loads of them all taking meds, if these meds really are so truly fabulous for anxiety what is everybody doing still on these forums. why aren't they all out there enjoying life?
As i have mentioned before on other threads, I have had 20 years of anxiety, been housebound, been to a&e, had health anxiety and a whole array of tests, have had moments where i could not literally move for fear, have missed out on thousands of moments, lost my job, thought about taking my own life several times, I have tried many self help books, had good times and bad times.
Anxiety is about as deeply entrenched in me as it could be.
I have never had meds as i was far to paranoid to take them.
I can't tell you strongly enough how Behavioural and Cognitive (thinking) therapy is the key.
We don't have physical illness. We have developed wrong behaviours and illogical thinking patterns. These together will sustain your anxiety for as long as you continue them.
Clinical depression, psychotic illnesses, yes, there are chemical imbalances involved which can be addressed with seratonin.
But pure neurosis? Anxiety? I can't help but feel that the medical profession are letting many of us down by just prescribing a pill and sending us on our way with drugs that will affect our minds.
There is nothing wrong with our minds. Our poor minds are just responding to our own thoughts, it only keeps ordering up more adrenaline for us as it thinks it's helping us by doing so. We are sending it the message to do it....


Excellent post. Sorry because it's not my thread but I accidentally read this and find it as a key.

Thank you so much

02-02-13, 15:53
HM2012, how have you been feeling??