View Full Version : trying to sleep cant breathe

02-09-06, 12:44
can anyone help? every time shut my eyes to nap or to sleep for the night, its as if my body has forgotten how to breathe. its really scaring me and i really dont want to try to sleep.
My tummy is constantly full of wind and churning 24/7.
Im finding myself struggling to breathe through my nose, but its not blocked it feels like pressure.
I am taking anti depressants but i dont feel they work, mirtazapine worked for me but caused my ankles and legs to swell.
Is this anxiety or something more serious?
Please help if u can


02-09-06, 14:19
hi tracie i had this at the start of the year and it really scared me!!!but then i noticed that it only happened when i,d been REALLY anxious all day!!i think it could be our hearts stabilising after its been working so hard on our really anxious days!
take care and i hope this helps a little
rachel x

05-09-06, 12:58
Hi there tracie
I get this (also taking mirtazapine which worked for a few months but now seem to have far less benefits) unless I lie one my one side with chin out (why that works I havent a clue). However there are breathin excersises you can do, surely someone on this site can tell you about them.
I cant remember them (have memory / concentration problems) but by concentrating on calm breathing they are suposed to help you.
Can anyone tell Tracie about these type of excersises to do please.
take care

05-09-06, 13:34
Hi Tracie,

Do you take anything for the wind issue!! there are some herbal remedies that you can try. have you seen your doctor mabe getting your asal passages checked out might help! Definately look into breathing exercises concentrating on your breathing should help you to calm down as worry can bring on and agrivate your symptoms

Hugs to you


05-09-06, 17:20
Your body will not have forgotten how to breathe.

You may be trying to hyperventilate due to anxiety or control it artificially.

The churny and tummy issues are all related. Active relaxation can work wonders, like learning yoga breathing

Exercise is very helpful as the body then alters the breathing and slows it down gently after a work out due to altered needs for air giving you confidence that it is doing whats good for you.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

april tones
10-09-06, 16:52

It is mainly before period like now, it feels like your suffocating and it just comes on, i think it can be hormonal sometimes xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

10-09-06, 18:06
i get this all the time at night mainly but my biggest problem is hyperventalating for me .......and it is anxiety.....what it does to us .........just try and relax lay on ya side and breathe slowly.i know its scry but like meg said our bodys just dont stop breathing we just feel that way.....maybe u can find a good breathing tape...........best to ya......Linda[8D]