View Full Version : health anxiety

27-01-13, 01:36
Im convinced i have cancer, lung,stomach,breast,bone,bladder and now ovarian, i spend all day on cancer sites googling symptoms, i suffer with back,shoulder and hip pain, and urinate often, i litterally worry myself sick and lose my appetite, i weigh myself every day and if ive lost a few pounds im convinced its cancer, as this is 1 of the symptoms, so its a vicious circle, i dont know wether i feel like this because im ill or because of anxiety. This has taken over my life ,and feel like i cant carry on like this anymore. I went to hospital because of my shouder pain and they did a chest x ray, everthing came back clear, but i was even arguing with the doctor, telling hiim he may have missed something, he told me to go to doctors about my anxiety, i am at the moment awaiting blood test results, and am worried sick. I hate been so weak and meet so many positive, happy go lucky people and soo wish i could be like them, i also suffer with panic attacks and dread night times when its dark and im alone, i an a single parent and worry about my daughter, i dont want her to suffer with what ive got, but am really worried who will be there for her if i die,, i know i cant live like this for ever more, its a crippling illness and has taken over my life, i cant enjoy anything and feel like my life is over

27-01-13, 01:52

Please do read this page it may help:


Daisy Sue
27-01-13, 10:19
hi Lisa, so sorry to hear of the turmoil you're in just now, but i'm very glad you joined this forum & reached out... there is so much experience & support here, plus fantastic advice articles, i would suggest you spend more time reading these than Googling, which is like feeding the anxiety monster its' favourite food!!

i know what it's like to have your mind arguing with the logic that others are telling you... it's like, you feel so bad, so ill, so often, that it can't possibly be 'just anxiety'... but it can, truly it can.

i hope your bloods come back with good results, and i think maybe you should see your doc at that point, and ask for help... you can come back from this and get your life back, you just need the right tools.

27-01-13, 12:50
Thanks for the advice daisy, i know your right, im going to stop going on these sites x