View Full Version : Does anxiety & depression go hand in hand?

27-01-13, 09:54
I have had GAD, Health Anxiety, panic and many physical symptoms (including IBS which has overtaken my life!!) for a long time.

I also get very low at times (particularly at this time of year) and was just wondering if this is me or a 'side effect' of major anxiety.

Do any of you feel depression alongside your anxiety like me?

27-01-13, 10:02
Hello Ruby. Yes, I do get them both. Sometimes it feels like one or the other is dominant because of the conflicting symptoms (eg. Anxiety makes me restless and jittery, depression makes me feel unable to move). I tend to find they come in episodes. Sometimes I'm fine, sometimes I'll feel really low or really anxious for a while. I'm on antidepressants so the depression doesn't tend to be as deep or last as long as it used to.

Anxiety, IBS and other problems all combined are likely to leave you feeling low. Anxiety erodes your self esteem. Depression is fairly common with long term health problems because when you feel physically ill it makes you feel miserable. Plus the lack of sunlight in winter can cause depression. If you are able, get outside every day during daylight hours and look around you. I find watching birds helpful, even just birds flying overhead. It gets me out of my own head.

What medical help are you getting? Look after yourself.

27-01-13, 10:19
Thanks for that.

The only help I have had from my gp are constant prescriptions for AD's etc which I never get!!

Although I have often though anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds would maybe help, I dont take any medication as I have always been too anxious about overcoming the initial side-effects (did you suffer from many side -effects?)

I do try to eat well (hard when you have IBS and would rather not eat at all!!) and two months ago we got a lovely little doggy so I take him for walks a couple of times a day which has helped but must admit is a struggle to get out of the house when anxiety/ibs & depression are battling with each other.

27-01-13, 10:36
Ah I think a pet would help me so much but sadly I can't get one as I am renting. I go out for walks and meet other people's cats on the street and dogs in the park. I also find bird watching really helpful, it's a form of mindfulness, that is focusing on the here and now and my surroundings rather than the anxious thoughts in my own head. I always carry a camera and look for interesting things to take photos of and this helps me with both anxiety and depression.

Have you tried any self help books? My GP prescribed me one on the books on prescription scheme which they had in my local library. It is called Overcoming Low Self Esteem by Melanie Fennel and I didn't think I even had low self esteem but when I read it it all made sense. Then there are exercises which help to break things down and challenge negative thoughts. It is hard to get decent therapy on the NHS but there are a lot of books in the health sections of libraries which can really help, even just to give you mor or an understanding what you're going through and why.

I too have IBS. I think eating little and often is important. Don't force yourself to eat food that is hard to digest, stick to simple things and work your way up. I find cooked apple and mashed banana are the two foods I find easiest to tolerate and then I work from there through yogurt, porridge, toast up to what resembles a reasonable diet. Do you know what foods cause you most problems?

27-01-13, 14:04
Yes I have found that anxiety and depression go hand in hand. I've never had depression on its own, it only seems to come as a consequence of an anxiety episode.

If you think ADs would help you, then go for it! :) If your doctor didn't think they'd help, they wouldn't keep prescribing them for you. I have found them very helpful and the side effects wore off after a few days. There is nothing to lose; in the unlikely case that you can't tolerate one medication your doctor can switch you to another. It's best to start on a low dose and gradually build up if necessary. You can also ask your doctor for a referral for CBT, which will help you change your ways of thinking. I've found that very good too.

Let us know how you get on and good luck.

27-01-13, 15:24
Ive had three bouts of bad depression where I ended up on ADs, the last time however I got anxiety with panic attacks too. Now Ive developed anxiety but no depression atm.....I guess it just depends :)

30-01-13, 13:21
No, not necessarily. I have had anxiety but never depression.

04-02-13, 22:59
The affect anxiety has on my life sometimes causes me to feel.depressed. They are linked but that's not to say everyone will suffer from it.

05-02-13, 01:05
I would say that they do go hand in hand. I feel like anxiety and depression are different pages of the same book. Sometimes they cross.

I have a fear of depression though, more specifically clinical depression, because I feel like it would convince me to kill myself. Its my inner OCD going crazy over that idea so my anxiety and 'depression' are really meshed together.