View Full Version : A stupid HA Question: tanner

27-01-13, 14:39
I have two bottles of unopened self tanning bottles (one of them being palmers gradual tanner) that i have had for 2 years. I really want to use them but will they be ok? as i said there unopened. Do things go off even if they haven't been opened?

Im posting here because this has alot to do with my HA im scared if I use them they will bring me out in a rash of some sort :( what do you think i should do? bin or use?

27-01-13, 15:03
Why not test it on a tiny patch in an inconspicous area if youre worried :)

27-01-13, 20:07
I would bet money on them being 100% fine.

I dug my fake tan out last week, (I usually start again this time of year, it makes me feel so much healthier:D) One bottle had been open for ages and had gone a funny colour so I slung it. But I had a unopened one that is at least a few years old, I bulk buy when stuff is on offer and it was fine.

Happy tanning :)

27-01-13, 21:19
I have two bottles of unopened self tanning bottles (one of them being palmers gradual tanner) that i have had for 2 years. I really want to use them but will they be ok? as i said there unopened. Do things go off even if they haven't been opened?

Im posting here because this has alot to do with my HA im scared if I use them they will bring me out in a rash of some sort :( what do you think i should do? bin or use?

they will proberly be totally fine but if it was me i would be looking for a rash or have made my self so anxious that i would bin them.
if you bin them you wont have the worry of it but because its unopened i would have thought they d be ok.

28-01-13, 03:26
Do they not have a use by date on them? If not they'll prolly be ok, but if it's going to worry you then bin them and get some more.

28-01-13, 18:03
Thank you all for your help! Im going to go ahead and use it. I need something to cheer me up after the rotten afternoon Ive had. Thanks again :hugs:

28-01-13, 18:11
I always use old fake tan, you should be fine!

Don't forget to properly wash your hands after though to save yourself from orange palms!!

28-01-13, 18:14
Oh the orange palms, my worst enemy! lol thanks hun x

28-01-13, 19:55
Lol at your orange palms :D