View Full Version : Wide awake...

27-01-13, 23:53
Does anyone with OCD have any tips about sleeping? I can't remember the last time I had a good sleep or have managed to fall asleep quickly.

Any help would be amazing


28-01-13, 00:34
I'm a good sleeper although I slept rather too well last night ('till noon) so I'll be joining you insomniacs tonight!
The ways I sleep:
1. I always read a chapter of a book before bed, usually an absorbing novel
2. Is your bedroom temperature comfortable or do you have to keep throwing the covers off? I don't know why I made this a numbered list....
3. I always plan when I want to wake up even if I don't stick to it.
4. Don't stay in your room too much during the evening and don't go to bed hungry.
5. If I my mind is overactive, I rest it by simply listening to what's around me and my environment and I let the thoughts float by. Also focus on the relaxing feelings in your body and let them grow. Your mind will wonder into sleep eventually.
6. I think the biggest factor is I'm not worried about sleep; if you get concerned by your sleep you are focusing on it and making yourself more stressed and less sleepy. Ironic? Try the mindset of "I don't care if I don't sleep tonight, in fact I probably won't but it matters not as I will eventually catch up."

Good night.

28-01-13, 00:43
Yep I'll join the "wide awake club" too :)

I don't have OCD but I do have depression and anxiety. My sleep just seems to get ever worse and I think I've tried just about everything that I can but nothing seems to help me.

Nowadays I tend to just grab sleep when I can, so if I feel sleepy I'll just go have a sleep.

I'm not sure what my next move will be with this problem, I don't want to go on any sleeping medication but I've completed the list of things to do naturally and I'm still stuck :shrug:

Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight, sweet dreams for if you do :)

28-01-13, 01:20
Try this:


28-01-13, 02:42
Thanks Nic, have read it and replied on the thread hun :)

28-01-13, 10:11
Hi guys, thanks for your support. I finanally got to sleep around 3am and up at 9am... need to work on getting more hours! xx