View Full Version : Tattoo?

28-01-13, 00:26
I'm getting a tattoo on tuesday. It's my first one and I really want it but the only thing is I'm worried about having an allergic reaction. I know you can get slight reactions like redness, swelling, etc but I am worried it will turn into some thing serious. Is this possible? xx

28-01-13, 00:28
I'm getting a tattoo on tuesday. It's my first one and I really want it but the only thing is I'm worried about having an allergic reaction. I know you can get slight reactions like redness, swelling, etc but I am worried it will turn into some thing serious. Is this possible? xx

If you're worried don't get one.

28-01-13, 00:33
Well as I said I want it done so thats not the answer, I'm not letting my ha take over my life. I wanted to know if any one on here had ever had an allergic reaction so your answer isn't helpful at all.

28-01-13, 00:38
Well you can get reactions yes so we have no way of knowing if you will or not to be honest.

28-01-13, 00:40
Thank you Nicola. Its just I worry about that anaphalatic shock (sp?) xx

28-01-13, 00:48
I think it is quite rare to be honest.

I am sure the tattooist will be prepared if you do have a reaction though

28-01-13, 03:39
Have you spoken to your tattooist about your fear? It might be worth discussing it with him/her before you get the tattoo done so they can reassure you about it.

28-01-13, 04:37
If you're worried don't get one.


Sorry to be blunt but if you're worried about an allergic reaction or something maybe you're better off not getting tattooed. Chances are you will not get an allergic reaction.

But you might run into problems in the future, because sometimes my (old) tattoos raise and get itchy in hot weather.

28-01-13, 07:50
I had a tattoo,only a small one, the shop i went to asked me my medical history.
Eek said it all.
All the best cassy x

28-01-13, 08:22
Allergic reactions are very rare, the only allergic reaction is to the ink, and very very few people have this.

You will get redness / bruising / swelling etc.., this is quite normal as you are having a needle jabbed into you over and over.

Most problems with tattoos are caused by unhygenic tattooists. If you go to one who is registered with the local council, then you should have no problems.

28-01-13, 18:37
Thank you Nicola. Its just I worry about that anaphalatic shock (sp?) xx
i have a massive worry about anaphalatic shock.i had a ankle tatt done last year,my 1st ever but i was more worried about infection afterwoods.
like another poster said true allergy is very rare and the tattooist would be very up on what to do..a week or so after id had mine done i was worried about mine being infected [it wasnt]..i googled loads and convinced myself..went to the drs,she said iv'e seen an infected tattoo..yours is just a little red still but its fine..you could explain your concerns to the tattooist..im sure lots of people ask about allergys to ink.i think its more local allergys on the actual spot than the anaphalatic.

28-01-13, 19:17
Im very sure serious reactions are rare,talk to the tatooist and if you dont feel happy cancel til youre ready! I have two tatoos and I love them :) Its does go very red and scabby, just make sure you keep using the spray or the cream that they recommend.....I want another :) Anxiety shouldnt stop us doing all the fun stuff we want to....Im guessing the "dont do it then" people dont have ink:)

29-01-13, 05:48
yellow ink gives the most reactions, a reaction is usually just itchiness now and again.

29-01-13, 09:50
Having a tattoo done in general is very safe I know 100s of people who have had tats done and no reaction.

I myself have a few and none have been done in a tattoo parlour mine where from a back street tattoist (very naughty of me) but just aslong as your tattoo is registered and legal I would say you are in good hands.

As the inks that are used now adays are very safe. Just a small tip have loads of vasaline at had at home to apply to you tat after it is done helps with any irritation as your tattoist will sell you a little pot for a few quid claiming it as a trade secert to help but all it is is plain old vasaline.

Good Luck

29-01-13, 11:12
Depending on where you live, I'd recommend Bepanthen for the aftercare of your tattoo. It's basically a baby nappy rash cream. And all tattoo parlous in Australia would recommend it.. It's fantastic. It made the healing of my many tattoos fast and soothing..

I hope it went well btw!

29-01-13, 11:28
Ok, first of all...make sure you're going to a good tattooist, not a dodgy one.

Secondly, discuss your worries and fears with the tattooist. It would be better to talk about how you are feeling rather than sitting there in the chair getting your tattoo and worrying and then having a panic attack, etc etc etc.

30-01-13, 08:23
Well update :-) I got the tattoo but I changed it a little. My friend designed me one and it was originally quite big of my sons name with a love heart and pattern underneath and was going to go across my chest but I decided for the first time I wanted some thing smaller so I got my sons name across my wrist. I will admit I cancelled the appointment and then rung the tattoist up again to see if he could still do it and was just honest with him and said I had been too nervous. It didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would! I'm keeping it clean with warm soapy water and bethanphem cream and its only a little sore and red - nothing major! I'm so pleased I got it now and now I want another one lol! Thank you so much to everyone who replied on here xx