View Full Version : Hey, I'm OK. I'm not OK. But I'm okay really, but I'm not.

28-01-13, 10:04
I don't fit in any of these disorders, but I really suffer from anxiety. I always worry too much, and when my thoughts get negative I get down and get the symptoms of depression etc.

It started with a bad experience in a swimming pool when I was 5 and the phobias started to build up... In high school, when I was about 14, I got "scared of being scared", started to hyperventilate when adults forced me to overcome my anxieties. (And it never worked, it just comes back the day after)

I wouldn't say I have social phobia and hypochondria, but I do have so many worries about my health and how other people think of me, that I feel nervous most of the time. I also have physical complaints and the doctor says it's the anxiety.

And then I start to avoid situations that make me anxious... I don't like crowdy and noisy places, it already happened to me that I just ran out of the building panicking.

It's getting harder to get out of my 'safe zone' (my bedroom), because of the anxiety and the depressed feeling...

What should I do?

28-01-13, 10:16
Hi Lawliet

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-01-13, 10:18
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.
