View Full Version : Struggling, back on lexapro, reassurance needed

28-01-13, 13:27
Hi, new tithe forum. I have been stable on lexapro many years at 10 mg, lowered to 5mg 6 moths ago. Nov2012 anxiety came back full force, upped back to 10mg after initial 1.5 weeks of start ups( which I didn't have when I originally started) stared to feel better, morning anxiety seemed to gradually lessen. At about 3 weeks anxiety came back, upped to 15mg for 9 days, still anxiety, pdoc recommended 20 mg. after about a 1 week there gradually stared to feel better until day 15 at 20mg, really had an increase in anxiety, all day, jittery and nausea no appetite. Md felt dose too high so we lowered back down to 15mg on Thursday, that next day still had increased anxiety but ever so slightly each day seemed a little better, but still very little appetite and jittery. I'm supposed to go back to work today and concerned that I don't feel better yet from lowering the dose, I'm still quite anxious I'm afraid to go to work afraid not too, need to keep occupied. Why have I not felt the calm of the lower dose yet...struggling here, any assistance is much appreciated.. Thanks

28-01-13, 14:33
I am not a doctor and will always tell you to listen to a doctor's suggestion first and foremost.

That being said, all of the changing of doses really can mess with your anxiety levels. I was on 10 mg for 3 months, then anxiety and depression started getting bad again. I was upped to 20 mg, felt ok for two weeks then bad for two. Finally, a MONTH after my increase I am feeling pretty decent. I think you really have to stick it out through the rough parts. Changing your dose so much does not let your body get used to it.

28-01-13, 17:27
Thank you for your reply Swgirl! I really appreciate it, it has been a lot of changes in a relatively short period of time, but hard to rationalize with the anxious mind...Ill give a few more days then call MD. Its always good to hear from others who have been there...at work trying to stay focused is tough!!!

29-01-13, 21:37
Each day seems to be a little better an 1/4 dose of clone pin in the morning makes work much easier. Feeling the relief in the evening gets longer and appetite slowly coming back, not in the morning yet. I've probably lost about 10 lbs since dec, it's soo weird how a little change in dose can wreck havoc on your whole body...hoping this feeling continues as the meds regulate and my levels get to equilibrium. Having a place where people don't feel alone is sooo much comfort

30-01-13, 12:45
Glad you are slowly feeling better :)