View Full Version : Doctor upping my dose to 40mg....

28-01-13, 14:02

My doctor has upped my citalopram from 20mg to 40mg starting as from tomorrow.

Does anyone have any advice/insight on this? I had to talk to him today as I'm suffering badly from OCD & ROCD & the anxiety is just horrendous.

Did anyone find any job with this?

HB x

28-01-13, 14:13
That is quite a big jump and not sure why they are not going to 30mg first.

You could experience side effects with it of course.

28-01-13, 14:34
He thinks I am better suited to the 40mg as my anxiety is so high.

HB x

28-01-13, 14:42
Try not to rely on medication alone though - you need to put in the self-help work as well.

Are you getting any therapy like CBT as well?

28-01-13, 15:52
If you are a little worried try 30 mg for a few days then bump it upto the 40mg. Citalopram tablets have that groove in them so they are easy to cut in half. If they are made by the same manufacturer as mine lol. Are they the Almus brand?

28-01-13, 15:55
I have my first CBT session on 16th February :) so fingers crossed that also helps me!

HB x

Vanilla Sky
28-01-13, 18:55
I had no problems going from 20 to 40 , Started to feel better after a few weeks , I hope you find the same :D

28-01-13, 19:00
Wow! I went up from 20mg(what i'm on now) to 40mg by mistake. My anxiety went through the roof!!

28-01-13, 19:07
I can't comment on the drug or dosage but does CBT work for all kinds of anxiety and is it effective if one is on anti depressants.

28-01-13, 20:52
Well I'm going to call the docs first thing & see if they have made a mistake as I'd rather be sure!

Thanks guys :)

HB x