View Full Version : Panic Attacks (I think)

28-01-13, 15:29
I have joined this site hoping I can obtain any advise or help from others who are experiencing panic attacks/anxiety.
I had my first funny turn whilst driving last year...I had not slept well the night before and kept waking up jumping in my sleep and feeling like I wanted to sleep but could not drop off!
I was driving my car to work on the morning, and out of nowhere I felt a warm sensation start in my face and then I felt like I was literally going to die!....I felt light headed and shacky, but I never got heart palpitations, I just felt so strange!
My GP has advised this is a panic attack, but I have convinced myself its something else seriously wrong.
I have had a few turns like this since, most whilst driving and am now on Citalopram 20mg.
I am hoping these tablets will help me with these attacks.
Has anybody else had these turns without the palpitations?:weep::weep:

28-01-13, 15:48

It may help to read my story here:


I never get palpitations with panic attacks

28-01-13, 15:53
Hi Linzi

Your panic attack sounds similar to the ones I get, also with no palpitations.

I have found that everyone seems to get slightly different sensations so don't worry if yours isn't exactly the same as someone else's.

28-01-13, 16:00
I used to get palpitations, but the last year or so (as things got worse) I don't get them either during an attack. On Citalopram 20mg here as well :)

28-01-13, 16:24
Same boat, happened once while driving summer 2011, then again today on the way to work also while driving. In my case, I don't know if its a heart attack or not, I'm dumb for not going to the hospital but don't want to pay a ton just to find out its a PA. Because I'm fine now. I will make an appointment today though. We are one of those families who have to pay $6000 anual deductable HSA then all is covered after $6000. So yeah I can't always be running to the Dr.

Heart attacks are common on my dad's side and somewhat my mom. Dad is Native. Him and his brother both died of them. My dad at 64 and his brother in his late 30's. I'm 38. They both smoked like crazy and drank until 1980's. I never have smoked and only drank in college. But I am a bit overweight. Have palpitations sometimes, sometimes a chest pain if i move a certain way always think it may be a clogged blood pathway but when is all this just paranoia or fact? I had a cholesterol test last year and they never said anything. And this kinda stuff has been goin on 3 years.

Thats why I think it's panic attacks, both times while driving. I often find myself just uncomfortable and feel the need to stretch my arms while driving or feel the sensation of cold on my hand. I've never been afraid of driving in fact I love it. Work isn't stressfull. I just don't get it. So then I think yeah maybe it is heart related because my diet isn't good.

Dr. will have to help I know. But warm in the face, strange sensation in chest, heart pumping because your prolly scared of whats going on. I had to pull over in a strangers driveway. Feeling of impending doom that pretty much sums it up.

I miss being 16-20 feeling like I was untouchable and had the world by the you know what.

28-01-13, 17:03
Thanks for all your reply guys, its nice to know your not on your own with these panic attacks, they are just so vile!!...I spend everyday worrying about when the next one will arrive and drive myself in sain thinking something serious is wrong with me.

I appreciate all your replies.

28-01-13, 17:15
Question is what do we do? Can't have this happening while driving it's dangerous. Do any of you find yourself waking up abruptly while sleeping? Like you stop breathing until the point you wake up in a panic? I do that about 2-3 times before I eventually sleep. Not sure if it's related

29-01-13, 11:20
I do yes, I am drifting off to sleep and I jump really hard and then my heart races, I can feel it in my chest pounding then my brain goes into overdrive and I cannot sleep.
The next day I am then abxious all day and its like I am waiting for an attack to come on.....I am into my third week on Citalopram and im hoping I will see an improvement soon