View Full Version : Anxiety causing vertigo

28-01-13, 16:46

Can anxiety cause vertigo?

I've had vertigo many times, i always have it a little bit still, but...

Earlier on today i met with my friend for a cup of tea in the pub, now i have a problem sitting directly in front of people and talking for a long time becuase my vision goes a bit weird for some reason, i get uncomfortable and then i get really anxious because i'm feeling anxious...

I noticed i was becoming a bit dizzy, later on we left and i went home and for hours afterwards i was still very dizzy, every time i would tilt my head up and down i would feel like i was sinking and stuff, dizzyness ya know?

So i went for a bath, lit my candles, played my relaxation music etc and really chilled out.

I got out and my dizzyness had gone like 50% better, maybe more, i felt way less dizzy than before i went into the bath and relaxed.

So, can anxiety cause vertigo like symptoms?



28-01-13, 20:39

i get vertigo - lots! i feel like a sort of 'dropping' sensation which i think is sort of like vertigo, bit like i'm falling. This makes my tummy flip in a wave of panic. It can happen moment, to moment when i'm at work but is better when i'm at home. Sometimes i'm on my chair at work (on wheels!) and the chair moves and i get it as i think my body is so tuned into the feeling that i panic its me, not the chair! its so hard to describe, but its the worse sym for me :0(

29-01-13, 10:41
Yes I get this and it's a horrible symptom to cope with. it's almost like I'm moving too fast for my surroundings or when I move, my body catches up. Weird feeling and for me it's definitely worsened by stress.

29-01-13, 11:12
yeh i get this bigtime i quite often feel faint horrible , i can get it indoors going up flights of stairs say in a hospitol no fun at all

29-01-13, 12:36
Ah thankyou ^_^
I never really attributed my dizzyness problems with anxiety until now, so hearing that some of you have had the same problems is quite reassuring.
Anxiety is such a bitch isn't it? Its responsbile for so many things!

29-01-13, 13:36
yeh it is no picnic thats for sure

Mr Brownstone
14-02-13, 11:40
Im pretty sure thats what im getting at the minute. Not actual dizziness but what rb1978 said, my body catching up. Its a bit like im a wee bit tired and just waking up. Im hoping its anxiety anyway :o

14-02-13, 22:17
I get it like a wave feeling. Sends me on a wobble. I find If I am focusing on some work or outside I do not get it but when sat in browsing the Internet or just sitting around I can really suffer.
