View Full Version : Tired all the time

15-06-04, 17:17
I have started taking my Zoloft regularly again. I am feeling better but tired all the time. I think that if I had no responsiblities that I would sleep all day and night too. Like I have no desire to get up and go in the morning. On days that I don't work I find it hard to get moving and do household stuff like cleaning house, laundry and bathing the dog. I take 25mg of zoloft at night. Sometimes I take 50mg if I am having a bad day. Already see that I can't deal without it. Any suggestions?

15-06-04, 17:49
Be wary of altering your dose - it changes the equilibrium in your brain and this is what the meds are trying to balance out.

Fatigue is common with depression and is also caused by anxiety because of all the nervous energy used.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

22-06-04, 01:50
Hiya grlnxdoor,

Sorry to hear you are feeling tired all the time.

Meg raises some good points.:)

I hope you are feeling much better now.

Post to let us know how you are getting on dear.

I personally at times get that feeling as well, but not really sure if it is due to depression or meds.

Wish I knew. ;)

Take care dear.


Diana xoxoxo