View Full Version : sadness anxiety when i wake up

28-01-13, 18:28
hi friends, lately i m doing quite fine, reading some self help books and sports really helps a lot, the only problem that still persists , is this sadness or anxiety that i feel everytime i wake up, even when i have a nap in the afternoon. sometime i wake up in the middle of the night and some intrusive thought comes in, last week i thought , what if i go blind and deaf?? and i could nt sleep for an hour, than when i woke up i almost laughed with myself, most of the time i say to myself that its just thoughts, and try to not attach to them but sometimes they persist...

thanks for reading :shades:

28-01-13, 19:15
Yes i wake feeling pretty depressed sometimes and it can be the worst time of day for me but it soon clears and the best thing to do is get up as quickly as possible make yourself breakfast and shower and try not to focus too much on negative thoughts.
It is not always easy especially if you have not slept well or wake up during the night and you are worryng about your future with anxiety/depression irrational thoughts can creep in aswell such as 'if i do not sleep enough i will get ill and possibly die'or 'will i be able to work feeling this way in the morning'.
I think with time you learn to challenge these negative thoughts and rationalise them as part of your anxiety and you have to accept you are going to think like this sometimes and fighting these thoughts can make you feel worse. When i am in busy places such as shops, public transport, hospitals or even the work place i can feel these thoughts clouding my mind too.
Hope you feel better soon

28-01-13, 19:21
Morning is the worst time for me, I feel so anxious when I wake up. It is easier if I get up straight away. the longer I stay in bed the worse I get.

28-01-13, 19:27
Its getting into this spiral of negativity that does it dont you think? i feel the same a lot of the time , but I really dont want to go on anti depressants again so im going to try hypnotherapy, booked in for Saturday and after an initial meeting with the lady I feel quite upbeat tonight. i figure if the mind is powerful enough to make me feel this crap if it can be retrained Im going to feel good? Oh well, live in hope :)

29-01-13, 08:01
Hi , sorry your having these thoughts upon waking . Ive been bothered by this too but feel much better these days since i applied lots of self talk and millions of affirmations . I agree with dubrucru ,its became a habit which needs to be reversed and it CAN , when i wake up feeling frightened i talk myself back to sleep and even lie there smiling . An example of one of my affirmations :I am relaxed and happy , i feel cosy and safe , i sleep in peace . I say things like this over and over and its working . I also practice good deep breathing .

Good luck

29-01-13, 09:53
thanks all for the great replies, i keep this thought in mind, i read it somewhere: 'this too will pass' and it works always, the thing that bother me is why these thoughts keep coming...

29-01-13, 12:14
Mornings and late nights are the worse for me. In the mornings I find that I automatically wake up feeling anxious. Sometimes I try and ' sleep' it off, namely going back to doze in the hope the anxiety depression will somehow go away. It doesn't. It gets worse. Its taken some time but I've figured if I lie in bed it actually makes the anxiety worse, even though I'm warm and safe. I wake up being angry at myself for allowing myself to sleep in!

29-01-13, 13:00
Oh wow this is so like me. I hate mornings and am impossible to talk to for the first few hours. My husband keeps a distance and daren't speak to me. I am always so low when I first get up and at my most depressed. If I lie in I feel even worse as I feel guilty for not getting up and doing jobs and if I do stay in bed, I tend to start thinking negative thoughts and the anxiety hits big time. I play over everything in my mind over and over again. It's the same when I am trying to get to sleep at night as well. Good to know that there are others out there who suffer the same and to hear how others deal with it. I try to do my yoga deep breathing and relaxation and that really does help.

29-01-13, 13:45
so anxiety is always there, just waiting for the right moment to catch you unguarded...i find the best thing is go to work cycling, it really cheers me up...even in this cold weather...Having no one to talk to is even worse, i tried several times to talk with my wife, but she just changes subject when i mention the word anxiety...but i m still gratefull for this life i have... thanks again

30-01-13, 10:19
It's a relief to hear of others who suffer the terrible mornings - though in a way it makes me feel I may never get better. Do other people think anti-depressants actually make the problem worse? I had been increasingly miserable in the mornings for some months before I realised I was suffering from anxiety and depression, but the very first dose of anti-d's made it dramatically worse, and although I tried several different ones it's the same with all of them.