View Full Version : pregnant, worried, alone please help

28-01-13, 18:39

Im having a very stressful tearful day. I had a "blip" last year and have been on medication. I have only just started to feel better in myself Im doing CBT through MIND, paying a private specialist for counselling (also is a consultant psychiatrist) but I found his website when looking for counselling so he does all sorts privately in the evenings.

Ive just found out im pregnant. Wasnt planned and totally shocked. Have always wanted kids was trying in the past but kinda gave up as nothing happened for 5 years or more.

Ive been having panic attacks since this morning mainly re: my medication im on Cipralex 20mg. Im panicking that the doctor will make me come off of this. My last blip is still fresh in my mind and very scary. I wouldnt say Im depressed now but if I was to come off meds now so soon after my blip I know there is a strong change of a relapse.

Ive read the usual that the GP has to weigh up the pros and cons benefits - v- risks etc. I have read the BNF (drugs bible) also which gives you the manufacturers notes on prescribing in pregnancy. I note all say its "not recommended" I spoke to the pharmacist today who referred to the BNF and said what I expected really ideally you should withdraw gradually. I explained that whenever I have come off tablets before in past have felt low again even when I have done this over like 3 months cutting down he said well obviously if you couldnt cope without them you would go back on. I asked him if he had known drugs like this prescribed in pregnancy and he said that he did. I asked him if he had ever known anybody have a problem when the baby is born he said not in 20 years no. Spoke to my GP today over the phone and have an appointment face to face in just over a week. He said that "ideally" gradually reduce - I explained only just feeling ok again, I feel Im at high risk of a relapse. He said I can carry on taking them BUT he wants me to either see a specialist at the hospital or see my private specialist for medication advice and to get a letter from him advising on prescribing. I said to him Im worried that I am going to be made to STOP taking the medication and this terrifies me, he said nobody is going to make me do this. I asked him if he had ever known of any problem with babies in his career as a GP and he said no (think he is in his 50s). I rang my private specialist for an appt explained spoken to my GP and they want a letter spoke to his secretary she said she had spoken to him and he had said "ideally you would need to come of Cipralex but gradually but he would need to speak to you to discuss the options" What if I see him and he wont agree to write a letter to my GP ? What if my GP wont let me carry on without this letter ?

Im in complete panic and feel very low. Im not sure if its the worry of this, or my hormones. I feel like I need to know NOW whether I can take the medicine. I dont think I could carry on the pregnancy knowing im going to get depressed as I need to be healthy and happy for my baby.

Has anybody got any experience of being on antidepressants then finding out they are pregnant ?? If so please reply im worrying myself sick over this and so so scared.

29-01-13, 23:29
Hi, and congratulations on your pregnancy! I was not on anti-depressants during either of my pregnancies and one of the main reasons I have not gone back on them is because we are thinking of having a third child. I have done quite a bit of reading about this, and although there are thought to be some slight risks, they really are very slight and there are also risks associated with depression and anxiety in pregnancy, which many doctors believe to be greater, so I think a lot of drs will advise that it's OK to stay on them. There are many, many drugs that are not recommended in pregnancy. When I was pregnant my pharmacist wouldn't even sell me an over the counter mouthwash as it was not licensed. For the most part, drug companies will not licence these type of drugs in pregnancy because it is very difficult to do effective trials and they are covering their own backs. Your Dr has to weight up the potential hypothetical risk to the baby (which in the case of SSRIs is really quite small according to the evidence) versus your own wellbeing. If you have any kind of mental health history they will usually automatically put you under consultant care rather than midwife led care.