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View Full Version : Had follow up scan but still worried

28-01-13, 18:47
Hi I did not post about my scan as have been feeling a little better recently but I had my follow up scan on liver last week. The radiologist said she could not see anything that concerned her , and said my lesion was most likely a hemingioma after all, and it has not changed in size. She also checked my pancreas quite thoroughly with the ultrasound and said it appeared ok, but going to have another look at the scans and let my consultant know.
I am still worried, I thought I may have been reassured and I was for about 2 hours, but the same doubts have crept back in, I am convinced that an ultrasound could miss something and I now feel I need yet another scan.
Can an ultrasound miss tumours etc?

01-02-13, 05:46
It sounds like everything was OK and they still think it's a hemangioma. I went and spoke to my doctor about mine today as I'm worried about it still, I still can't get it out of my head that it's cancer. Anyway he's giving me a second scan to see if there's been any changes in it so at least I should have a better idea after that I just hope that it hasn't changed, I'm petrified it's cancer. I hope when you see the consultant he can put your mind at rest about it.

01-02-13, 11:14
I am sure the scan would not have missed anything. If someone else had asked this Alma what would you have said to them? I know how good you are at reassuring other people :) You are like me, I can never take my own advise :D The scan would have shown if it was anything more serious so be reassured :hugs: xx

01-02-13, 18:01
Thanks both for your replies. I'm glad you are getting a second scan Eek , I think it will help towards reassuring you. :hugs: xx

Thanks Annie, you are right of course. If anyone had have posted this question , I would have told them to be reassured and that they are fine. I have been feeling a little better about things recently and am trying to believe my doctor! :hugs:xx

01-02-13, 18:27
I am sure your doctor is right :hugs: xx