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View Full Version : What do you do when your health anxiety isnt about you, but about family?

28-01-13, 19:32
Although I periodically have health anxiety for my own symptoms, primarily it is for my parents. I mean, its gotten to the point where they even say they have a headache and Im freaking out. I hear their symptoms and turn them into what most hypochondriacs do to themselves, only worrying about theirs. And now my Mom is being sent to a specialist after having a physical done. I cant stop thinking that specialist = serious. Im losing my sh*t. I dont want to go into detail about what it is for, because I really cant deal with responses talking about symptoms. I made the mistake of googling for reassurance and the list of symptoms that came back is driving me insane because she has one or two of them. I cant sleep, I have terrible dreams that make me feel worse, Im crying all day long and I dont know what to do to escape this. I am *this close* to being curled up in a ball paralyzed with fear.