View Full Version : Talking to friends about moving out?

28-01-13, 19:46
I moved a year and a half ago into a house with two other friends, and a third roommate. One of my friend's father is actually the owner of the house (so our landlord) and she asked me to move in and I agreed.

I didn't initially want to move in as I am in college and lived the first year in the dorms. I have a twin brother and after the first year he moved home and I kind of wanted to as well - our home is about 20 minutes from the college and in the country and it's just really good for me to not only have a drive home to decompress but also to have that sort of distance that separates my personal life from school. It's hard to explain but it's just easier to have some space. Even when I went to high school I lived 35 minutes away so I always had that distance.

Anyway, time has passed and I've gotten used to living here. I don't always spend weekends here (again, I just really don't like living in town all that much) but during the week I do like hanging out with my friends and being nearby is nice.

However, money has gotten tight. I've discovered that I am spending $5000 a year to live here (at least, and that's not counting gas/groceries). I have a college fund, but the money there has gotten really low and I will most likely have to take out loans ultimately, especially as I need to go to grad school. By moving home and driving I can save myself quite a bit of money - -especially if I don't get into grad school here and have to have funds to rent somewhere else.

I need to tell my landlord somewhat soon that I want to move out, and I'm sure he won't mind. Finding a new tenant won't be difficult as the rent is comparatively reasonable and it's near campus. However, I don't know how to breech the topic with my friends. They're kind of judgmental when it comes to other friends who have moved home, and I think they will not only be upset that I'm leaving but judge me for it as well, and I'm honestly terrified.

So, tips? Words of advice? I didn't mean for this to get so long, but I can be a bit wordy sometimes!

28-01-13, 20:13
I think you should just explain to them your reasons for wanting to move (especially the financial one) I am sure they will understand, if they are good friends they shouldn't judge you for it x

29-01-13, 13:34
Your friends don't pay your bills. If they have something to say then they are probably not really friends.