View Full Version : im confused and scared. help asap

03-09-06, 07:33
I am currently kinda scared. I don't know what I have. but I keep hereing noises from outside like people and people breaking windows. its impossible because I live in the country. with no one around me. our cars areinside and safe. I fine myself in this situation a lot. I end up in the corner in the dark. I am paranoid that people are breaking in and that they will kill me. I don't know why. this has never happened to me. I am scared. because I'm here these now. when I here the noises I turn everything off and go in a corner. I am on a cell phone right now. please help me out. I'm kinda panicing... idunno what to do. and I keep feeling as if I'm going to die.

thank you. please reply asap.. thankyou again

03-09-06, 08:55
this is your mind and your nerves playing tricks on you

i remember when i lived in the country i heard every noise , even ones that were not there

i would jump at the sound of the postman and i would lie awake in fear of the next noise to come

please this is just your nerves so sensitised


03-09-06, 12:46
Hi Cheezy,

I agree with Jackie. It's just over sensitive nerves. Try listening to some relaxing music. Hope you feel better soon.

Take Care


03-09-06, 13:36
i agree with the others hun.ya mind can do so much and it playing mind games with you....when im home at night and alone i hear everything......and i get up too look at times and no one is there....so i know its my nerves ..............wish u the best.........Linda[8D]

polly daydream
03-09-06, 14:48
Hi Cheezy and welcome to the forum. Yep what the others have said is so true, your mind is playing tricks on you. Your nerves are working over time, they have become very sensitive. Try reading or put on a good film that will relax and calm you down.

Take care,


03-09-06, 16:47
thank you all so much sorry for the late reply. but thank you verry much. this helps me a lot. next time ill watch a movie.