View Full Version : Failure

28-01-13, 20:25
Feel like such a failure at the moment. I recently applied for a teaching PCGE at a university, who then decided that they weren't going to run my course anymore. At the time i thought....no problem, 'll apply for something slightly different but still would end up with what i was after!

Applied for that on the 17th December, but never heard anything back. i contacted the school and uni i had applied to, they had never received my application in the first place! i was fuming! But i sent them a copy of my application and they said they would look at it.

I've had an email today saying i wasn't successful getting on my course, and i think a lot of the reason is because they didn't receive my application when i first sent it to them, and they've already decided who they want. I've asked for feedback from my application so i can improve on it for next year.

Its just come at such a bad time, i have just come off my citalopram, and although i had withdrawal side effects i was feeling pretty good. This has put me back down to the bottom i feel, and feel like such a failure all over again. :weep:

i'm not getting on at home too well, my relationship with my brother and my mum arent great at all but i cant afford to move out. The whole point of me qualifying as a teacher was so that i COULD afford it and then my relationship with them would be better :mad:

sorry for the long winded post....just needed to write it down!

28-01-13, 20:30
Laura You are not a failure at all, it is not your fault that the application did not reach them. I am really sorry this has happened. Will you be able to apply again? X

28-01-13, 20:43
I will be able to, but not until October of this year to start in September 2014 :-(

Everything has just seemed to be against me this year, with things i applied for being cancelled etc!

whats upset me more is the mess up that isn't my fault...not the getting on the course really!

28-01-13, 20:46
I know that is really annoying :( :hugs: xx