View Full Version : Simple question

28-01-13, 21:20
Is feeling run down, quite normal after a pretty big anxiety attack?
Also, I'm planning on going uni tomorrow in the bus, and I go past a Hospital, I don't want to have an attack on the bus!
What do you guys do to help whilst having a panic attack or knowing that you're going to get one but stopping it.

28-01-13, 22:19
Don't try to fight it as the more you fight it the worse it gets. The best thing to do is to just let your stomach muscles relax, let your shoulders drop, take a deep breath in and let it out very slowly. keep repeating these steps and focus on your surroundings.

28-01-13, 23:35
I used to have to go past a diabetes clinic on my way to work and as I went on the bus, there was no way I could avoid it. Don't ask me why that set me off in a panic and not the general hospital up the road, but it did. I used to feel my breathing getting heavier as the bus got nearer and like you, I was worried it would turn into a full-blown attack.

I found closing my eyes and thinking of a time when I was really, truly happy helped me get through it. I don't mean I wasn't happy normally, I was, but I would pick one moment when everything just felt perfect and think about that. It wasn't a major event, just me, my mum and dad sitting round talking and laughing, but whenever I thought of that, I felt my panic subside.

After a few months of this, though I was still aware of the diabetes clinic, I wasn't getting panicky about it and found I could take the bus without really thinking about it. I am a driver now so can take whatever route I like and I must admit I tend to avoid that road.

I hope you're ok with everything soon. What you're experiencing is perfectly understandable if you have HA and an experience I am sure many of us have gone through. Just remember that one happy time and this will help you get through, I promise xx