View Full Version : Hello there

28-01-13, 21:59
Hey everyone, I'm Dave92. My girlfriend has recently developed panic attack disorder and thanks to the brilliance of the local mental health service it has spiralled into serious anxiety and depression (including suicidal thoughts). We've finally begun to make some headway, with her being noticed as at serious risk to herself.
I've been having to be with her/look after her 24/7 for the past week or so and am here to get advice as to how to help her improve and how to deal with the toll it's having on me.
Hope to see you all around.

28-01-13, 22:09
Hi dave92

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-01-13, 22:13
Hi :welcome: That is really lovely of you to come here to help your girlfriend, I am sure you will find lots of support.

Vegas 2013
28-01-13, 22:38
Hi there I am relatively new to this site also and how wonderful of you to try to get some extra help for your girlfriend :) I have sufferred from a mixture of anxiety, panic and depression for my whole life really (im 33). It is such a shame that she didn't get better help sooner. She will be feeling devastated that she can't control this or pull her self together which we all think we should be able to do at first and feel that it is a weakness, however it isn't that simple, it's an illness like everything else. She will probably be feeling guilty and ashamed, angry and will also be worried about the strain this puts on you. All you can do is support her, don't push too hard or expect too much at first, but by all means push gently to help her to help herself. Lots of info on hear to have a read and get a better understanding of what she is going through. I wish you all the best.

28-01-13, 23:35
Just wanted to say its great you care and not much you can do apart from be there.

I starting having panic attacks and anxiety a year ago? It was the most terrifying experience of my life and echo what's been said above.
You are doing fantastic by being there, my husband had to make me get up some days although I tried I couldn't snap out of it and felt utter despair.

M husband said he also found it hard to watch. My advice be patient it takes time to recover with ups and downs along the way.
I am now for the most part me again and your girlfriend will get there with your love and support x

28-01-13, 23:59
Dave92 is my boyfriend and he is amazing :) things are still very hard but I don't think I'd still be here if it wasn't for him ^^

Vegas 2013
29-01-13, 00:06
You have a lovely boyfriend :D How are you doing?

29-01-13, 00:18
You have a lovely boyfriend :D How are you doing?

I'm okay tonight. Not really anxious/panicky. A little weepy but it's bearable!

How are you if you don't mind me asking? :)

Vegas 2013
29-01-13, 00:42
Hi I am getting a little confused about this sit at times :blush: Not sure how to tell if my private messages have sent - let me know if you got it DOH!!