View Full Version : escitralopram 5mg

28-01-13, 22:16
ihey everyone its been many years since i signed up to this site and havent been on in a very long time, im 33 from bristol i have 4 lovely children, i have suffered with anxiety, panic attacks sometimes agorphobia and depression for 17 years, i have tried many different anti-depressants over the years with very bad side effects making me drop all the tablets in the toilet and giving up, i can manage diazepams but i dont take them everyday only when i really am so bad and i cant cope with the anxiety, my mood swings has got sooo bad lately and my anxiety is heightened im currently doing over the phone cbt, i have got so desperate that i went back to my doctor today and sobbed that i really need help as i cant keep living like this, my 9 year old daughter has started seeing her dad again after many years of him not bothering and he has told me that my daughter has gone back saying how im always upset and crying and she is very worried about me (bless) where she thinks she is doing a lovely thing in saying this her dad can be a very sly man and use this against me as im not coping, anyway ive never tried escitralopram but im very sensitive to meds and very scared to try them, im wondering if anyone can give me any kind of feedback on these? should i just leave meds or at least try? im a single parent of 4 and havent got time for really bad side effects as i have no family around to help me and my children, any help i would appreciate.:wacko:

29-01-13, 11:38
Nicola I have just pm'd you. I am a single Mum too, only one little boy though who is 9...I'm just about at the end of a divorce now and like you was scared to death my Husband might try to get a residency order because I have been so anxious with panic attacks. Luckily I lived with my Parents when I was most ill though before getting my own place. I took Mirtazapine because I am also very sensitive to ssri side effects and was petrified of going back on Citalopram. It just made me worse though so when I moved towns, I had to change doctors and they put me on the Escitalopram after I explained about being on my own with a child and how badly I react to ad's. I did get side effects with Cipralex, I won't lie but nothing I couldn't tolerate and my doctors have been very supportive giving me Lorazepam, though I never really felt the terrible panic I had starting up normal Citalopram. I had problems sleeping at first and used to get hot flushing and bad heads but my anxiety seemed to calm down pretty quickly all in all. I used to get it a little when I upped my dose. I started out on only 2.5mg's and then wen tup to 5mg, then 7.5 and am now just about on a full 10mg pill but this past week I have felt 98% better. Last week and since week 6 I have felt 90% better (:
All I can say is, I know every one is different but for me Cipralex has been a Godsend after 8 horrible months of having terrible anxiety and if I do ever come off it and then have to go back on it, I won't be afraid of the start up part. Really hope this helps and that you soon feel so much better. xxxx

05-02-13, 11:09
Hi Nicola, have you gone for it yet?????? (((((:

05-02-13, 19:01
Hi Nicola,

If you do decide to go on cipralex, know that it is a very good medication and that the side effects can be way less than other ssris. I'm sensitive and very nervous about taking medication but I got to the point of needing something to help me through a relapse of anxiety and panic and haven't looked back. Cipralex has given me my life and sanity back. In fact, I'm better now than I was before the anxiety and panic started. I feel really good about myself and my life.
I took it very slowly, starting at 2.5 mgs and working up week by week to the full 10 mg dose. Doctor said whatever works, she's fine with. It worked very well. Very few side effects over the first month getting used to it. Not totally without them but way less than starting out on the full 10 mg dose.
Take it with food to help alleviate the stomach discomfort when first starting. I take them at night, some take them in the morning. Eat well, allow yourself time to rest as needed and exercise and keep moving. All will help. No booze until your body is adjusted. For me, that was about 3 months. There may be some ups and downs but know that is perfectly normal while adjusting. You'll be feeling so great that you'll forget all about the ups and downs.
Take care.

06-02-13, 11:48
Great advice for Nicola (: I started my Cipralex very slowly too and have felt really great for a good few weeks now on 10mg's. I have had a couple of blip days recently but ony because my little boy has been ill but I've calmed down now and feel any Mother gets anxious when her child is ill and you can't help them.
Nicola why not try just half of your 5mg pill and see how you feel, you don't have to take another one, I'm in the same boat, alone with a child, not 4 I know but one very dependant child and I am so much better at coping with him now than before the Cipralex when my life was just a total nightmare. Perhaps your doctor will even give you something to help with side effects. I have Lorazepam though I don;t get side effects anymore but still wake up feeling flat and anxious some days, others I am perfect. It nomrlaly take sme a good 5 months to come totally right though and I've been on Cipralex 3 months. Good luck, I know how terrifying ssri's are but this one really isn;t anywhere near as bad xxxx