View Full Version : Hi, I'm new to this...

29-01-13, 00:20
Hello everyone, first time I have ever been on something like this. I have been worrying/anxious for about 5 months now, keep thinking I'm having chest pains and left arm pain(heart attack). Struggling to cope with it at the moment as I am usually a really confident person...be good to speak about it. Thanks...

29-01-13, 00:23
Hi Evans,
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


29-01-13, 00:27

I also experience similar. Do you want to tell a bit more and see if the same?


Lisa x

29-01-13, 00:30
Hi Lisa, it's hard as I haven't spoke to anyone really...usually life of the party and really confident but this is getting to me. As soon as I get a sharp pain in my chest I automatically think I'm going to have a heart attack. Usually at night time and struggling to sleep at the moment. How are you feeling?

Dave x

29-01-13, 00:30
Hi Evans1909

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-01-13, 00:37
I'm not too bad thanks.

Have u been to the doctors and had ECG done, or blood tests?


29-01-13, 01:01
I did inbox you :) . Anyone who cold give device on us would be fantastic...live in south west also...be good to talk to someone...once again can't sleep again tonight :( x

Daisy Sue
29-01-13, 01:19
hi & welcome :)

there are many people posting about similar feelings and fears - me included! - so you're definitely not on your own.

i would say, if you haven't already, then see your doc and/or have an ecg done, for reassurance if nothing else.

29-01-13, 01:35

I get similar sensations to the u. At the moment I suffer with palpitations, apparently. I have had at least 15-20 ECG in last 3 years. All were fine, however when I looked over the doc's shoulder I noticed something called 'left ventricular atrophy'. When I asked what this was they said nothing to worry about. The sensations I get are a thud in the chest almost like the hearts stopped beating for a second. I've been told this is an extra beat, or ectopic beat, and nothing to worry about. Easier said than done. I normally get these prob once every 10-20 mins for as few days then they vanish. I have had periods of strong chest pains and a real sharp out of the blue pain in top of my left arm, sometimes even in my neck. But for the past two days, and now as I'm typing, they seem to be there every 4-8 beats. Most nights I don't sleep worrying about them. When I do fall asleep I mostly wake in the early hours and can't get back to sleep thinking about them.

Lisa x

Karen Bromley
29-01-13, 02:11
Hi I'm new to this. I been suffering for 2years now with similar sensations. Pains in chest only left arm that goes numb with tingling in that hand. Can't sleep as fear is so intense. Understand everything your going thru.

29-01-13, 02:37
The anxiety/panic symptoms are often in the upper body. Note your breathing and try to switch to deep slow breathing from the belly. But try not to think too hard about that either!

Mine feel in the upper arms, but have not had one for half a yrar.