View Full Version : been for walk at 1am

29-01-13, 02:08
hi guys I have not slept for nearly 24 hours,dry mouth has just got to much for me.went to theatre last night with hubby and saw 39 steps it was sort of a comedy version.I did laugh in a few places but then I started to have a panic attack.got worse when I got home because of my dry mouth.I rang the out of hours doctor and he said that there was nothing he could do about my dry mouth,I was all told not to drink a lot of water but to suck a ice cube.nothing worked he is going to ring me back in a couple of hours to see how I am.he also told me that he would not give me sleeping pills now as I would not come to any harm if I did not sleep until I spoke to my own gp in about 7 hours time.all my family was fast asleep so I went for a walk on my own in the dark (which I am frightened of)but after walking for nearly 20 mins I could not get back home has I'm disabled and can only walk a few yards at a time.I did take my mobile with me so I rang my husband and my daughter s phone but they were switched off so rang home phone but that went to answer phone.luckily my daughter rang 1471 found out it as me and rang my mobile.she also came out in her bed clothes to pick me up in her car.my hubby was up in the living room when I got back and sort of shouted at me for not waking him up and going out for a walk on my own.I did not want to wake either of them has my daughter has work tomorrow and my husband is my carer in the daytime so he needs his sleep hubby made me a cup of tea and stayed with me until 2am then I told him to go back to bed,he said he would if I promise to wake him if I needed him and not to go for a walk without him.I know I have got a loving family and I just wish that I could turn the clock back 29 days where everything was near enough perfect.please God take this horrible nightmare away from me and all my wonderful guys on here.x

29-01-13, 02:21
I can only address the sleeping. This may seem frightening, but you will get to skeep eventually. People have been known to sleep 1-2 hours a day for a while, but eventually normal sleep will come. Try not to work so hard on it.

Take care.

29-01-13, 02:25
I can only address the sleeping. This may seem frightening, but you will get to skeep eventually. People have been known to sleep 1-2 hours a day for a while, but eventually normal sleep will come. Try not to work so hard on it.

Take care.

thanks tero for reply,what are we like it's 2.25 in the morning and we are still up.x

29-01-13, 02:29
Im up too!! Im suffering a dry mouth through my med increase but just drinking loads of water as i know it will pass in a wk or so, its a common side effect of most ADs, hope you manage to get some sleep x x

29-01-13, 02:37
Im up too!! Im suffering a dry mouth through my med increase but just drinking loads of water as i know it will pass in a wk or so, its a common side effect of most ADs, hope you manage to get some sleep x x

thanks Nicola,I was ok until they upped my dose but the out of hours doctor said I was to speak to my gp before I stopped taking the extra amitriptyline.it was the out of hours doctor that put me up 10mg not my own gp because I phoned them on Saturday and my doctors are shut.x

29-01-13, 03:06
hi i cant sleep either have aniexty really bad i used to walk the streets all night but dont do it now i want to but afraid best wishes to you nicola and jean

29-01-13, 03:22
hi i cant sleep either have aniexty really bad i used to walk the streets all night but dont do it now i want to but afraid best wishes to you nicola and jean

hi katyjohnstone,what are we like,I live in a little village but it was so quite no cars.we live about 2miles from the m5 and I could here the traffic as if it was 100 yards away.I am petrified of the dark and because it was so quite every time the wind blew it made a horrible sound,leaves/rubbish and branches creaking.I even had to sit down on one of the seats.x

29-01-13, 03:28
I took a Zopiclone :shrug: Been up since 1:15 trying to get back to sleep.
Time for Cornflakes.
I'm moving to a new place tomorrow so it's probably that, allthough I feel fine about it.
Sweet dreams ladies :emot-sleepyhead:

29-01-13, 03:31
hi guys I'm going to see if I can get a few hours sleep now,has we are looking after our 13 month old granddaughter in the afternoon while our daughter in law takes our grandson swimming after school.hope all of you can switch off soon and get some much needed sleep.xxxx

---------- Post added at 03:31 ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 ----------

I took a Zopiclone :shrug: Been up since 1:15 trying to get back to sleep.
Time for Cornflakes.
I'm moving to a new place tomorrow so it's probably that, allthough I feel fine about it.
Sweet dreams ladies :emot-sleepyhead:

fenrir welcome to the site,you have chosen the best site by far.all the best for your move tomorrow.x

29-01-13, 09:17
I was awake a lot last night too, I just sat in bed reading. I hate not being able to sleep. xx

29-01-13, 11:34
I was awake a lot last night too, I just sat in bed reading. I hate not being able to sleep. xx

morning Annie,hope you are having a few hours kip.feel the same as you just wish we could all have a good night sleep because I think we might be able to cope a bit better in the daytime.x

29-01-13, 14:49
I had my psychotherapy at 11:30 am so feeling more tired and drained now x

29-01-13, 18:41
I had my psychotherapy at 11:30 am so feeling more tired and drained now x
annie,hope you got on at your psychotherapy today,its amazing how much these different appointments take out of you.x