View Full Version : Hi to everyone

29-01-13, 04:00
hello there im not sure where to start,, im phil and im 49 years old. my dad passed away 13 years agoi and a year later i was diagnosed with depression.im finding things really hard at the moment as a year ago my mam also passed away ... my sibling sister after that no longer contacts me or stays in touch plus my 4 year relationship ended last august. last saturday was when everything came to a head i was out having a drink with a friend and my ex text me out of the blue asking could she come to mine to get her stuff ... my head and nerves just went into overdrive and i ended up getting very drunk. and drank even more once i got home . i dont even remember going to bed that night untill i awoke at 2.30am on monday morning . thats when i went online and found this site . sorry if iv been ranting just wanted to let you know briefly how i came upon the site .

29-01-13, 04:10
hi i cant sleep i get generalized aniexty and i am scared of it h

29-01-13, 04:13
Hi taffyphil

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-01-13, 04:27
Hi katy im the same i cant sleep think i lasted an hour in bed tonight then had to get back up .

29-01-13, 04:33
eqne here i have generalized aniexty and really having a bad time i stopped my meds about a tear ago started back about three weeks ago why will it not stop

29-01-13, 04:46
i dont know katy wish i could be more helpful , i do know a lot of meds take a few weeks to build up in your system before they start working fully . but your not alone in what your feeling ok. feel free to private message me if you want to .

30-01-13, 01:54
things just gone form bad to worst my youngest son ( he is 24) has been rushed into hospital tonight for a emergency operation to remove his appendix

30-01-13, 10:05

i hope your son is ok, that's not nice i went through the same thing at 17!


30-01-13, 13:42
Thank you Bubbalully84 they put the op off untill today now, im finding it really hard at the moment trying to cope with so many emotions at once on my own . :(

30-01-13, 13:45
Hang on in there dude.

30-01-13, 14:04
Thank you iv been trying to for a very long time, its not happening at the moment

31-01-13, 19:42
Hi and welcome