View Full Version : MOLE.

29-01-13, 05:38
I have a mole on the back of my neck. It's not that big but it's different looking. It's dark and it looks like part of it is under the skin. I noticed it over a year ago but it didn't concern me too much and I put off scheduling a visit. I wasn't having much health anxiety back then, and it didn't look that scary. But all of a sudden some stressful life situations have kicked my health anxiety into high gear and all of a sudden I've fixated on this mole.

It hasn't changed at all since I noticed it over a year ago, and it's not painful or itching or scaling or bleeding. But now I'm having panic attacks that putting off my dermo visit is going to be the cause of my demise due to cancer that has now spread.

I kind of know what melanomas "typically" look like, and it doesn't look like that. But it is different from my other moles. I do have a lot of moles and I had two taken off that ended up fine. I always keep an eye on them.

I have managed to keep myself from Dr. Google, and reading other people's posts about moles has helped me a little. My dermo visit is tomorrow and I'm getting really nervous that they're going to see it and give me horrible news. I feel like I'm going in tomorrow to be read a death sentence. :weep:

Can someone reassure me?

29-01-13, 06:04
If it's not changed in a year that's a good sign. Also the fact that it's not painful, itching, scaling or bleeding is good. Most moles are fine and I'm sure this one to. You're getting it checked out tomorrow which is good, at least for your peace of mind, I'm sure it'll be fine :)

29-01-13, 15:55
I doubt its melanoma, I had a scare a couple of weeks ago one of my moles was flaking and had blood around it, saw the doctor he said it wasn't anything to worry about. I gathered I must have caught it in something or because I have eczema it covered over the mole? Not sure but its gone now.

30-01-13, 00:22
Just got back from the dermo. The mole in question WASNT EVEN A MOLE! It was a blackhead!

All that worry over nothing. To be fair, I've never had a blackhead, and it was rather big. And it's been there for a year.

I want to throw a party tonight. Sweet relief. I was shaking like a leaf in the office.