View Full Version : Morning

29-01-13, 06:10
Hello all, been browsing the boards for a week and seems I need to introduce myself before posting for support etc so here's me: 30 something female, suffered from depression most of my adult life (and probably before then!) had a physcotic break in 1999:eek:
Tried various ADs with varying degrees of success. Now married & live with my daughter & his 2 daughters.
Hubby recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety. (1st time for him)
I've had counselling and CBT, got a dog to help too!:D
Currently suffering anx & dp again, in pscyotherapy and week 2 of Paroxetine 10mg
Just want to say the boards have been very useful so far and I hope to gain more understanding :frown:as well as maybe being able to help out others.:shades:
Thanks for having me:unsure:

29-01-13, 06:20
Hi CelticZebra

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-01-13, 06:30
Hi there! I <3 this place. Glad to have you aboard!

29-01-13, 10:40
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


29-01-13, 11:11
Hi Celticzebra, and welcome, I've only been using this forum for a week or so but I've found everyone really supportive and helpful, it does help to know we're not alone! I wish you well, take care


29-01-13, 11:12
Thank you all, so glad I've found you :D

29-01-13, 11:53
New here too :welcome:

31-01-13, 19:47
Hi celtic zebra, welcome to NMP