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View Full Version : hypnosis vs curatative hypnotherapy

03-09-06, 10:48
What do we think?...

I have recently come across a website which is all about curative hypnotherapy...the link is here http://www.aqch.org/

I was just searching through the web for a hypnotherapist in London because I had a friend who used hypnotherapy to completely be cured of panic attacks and anxiety... hers was the type where she would constantly be sick and have flu-like symptoms...etc. and I found lots of different therapist, emailed a few of them and one of them was different in a sense that she does curative hypnotherapy. She is the only one doing it in London and she wrote me a very nice email explaining how the therapy works. According to her the usual hypnotherapy is used to treat the symptoms whereas curative hypnotherapy does not deal with symptoms but more with the underlying root cause so therefore it corrects the cause so the symptoms will just subside and will eventually disappear.

Now Im a bit undecisive because my friend ( not the one with PAs)recommended a therapist she used for quitting smoking and it worked wonderful, she has not lit a cigi in 7 years now. On the other hand I did like the sound of the curative hypnotherapy but I wonder is it too good to be true?...[xx(]

" The solution to a problem is right through it..."

03-09-06, 14:14
hmm good ? i went to hypnotherapy way back did nothing for not saying it wouldnt for you .with hypnothereapy i could not relax my mind kept racing so thats why it didnt work for me but i will look at that site....i wish ya the best.........what ever works works i think being positive and working hard is the key just my opinion.........good luck...........Linda [8D]

Granny Primark
03-09-06, 14:44
Ive thought of hypnotherapy but i too feel like linda i dont think id be able to relax.
Anything is worth a try tho so thanks for posting about the sight.
Good luck from me

04-09-06, 15:16
If you do go I can recommend www.hypnotherapists.org.uk which is where I found mine, but if you want hypnotherapy then there is some in the Stress Survival Kit and you can use it for as long as necessary for 40 quid.

I think all hypnotherapy goes to the underlying causes because it goes to the subconscious mind, so I'm not sure about the term 'curative hypnotherapy'.


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):