View Full Version : Cheap Food anyone

29-01-13, 09:59
Hi, I notice a lot of people now adays are living on a very tight budget.

And a lot of us don't need the added stress of money worries so here could be the answer for some a company called http://www.approvedfood.co.uk/ it sells short date food or stuff that is out of date but still ok (does not sell meat or anything like that) and also has stuff that is well in date I'm talking 2015.

I did a family shop for stuff the other day and saved over £131 so got £200 worth for £69.

Also first time shop gets free p&p as it is a courier that deliverys anywhere in the uk.

Hope it helps some. I know it does for me and family :yesyes:

29-01-13, 11:42
Thanks for that, I desperately need to reduce my weekly shopping bill. Hope it helps.


29-01-13, 11:58
Oh my gosh, I am a student and living on a very tight budget also, I think this may be my saviour! Thank you so much for posting this!

29-01-13, 15:47
yes my student daughter found this and they all seem to use it... i have had a couple of shops from it too sometimes not a lot of choice but well worth it for the things i want...

Daisy Sue
29-01-13, 16:02
Great site - thank you for sharing this :)

29-01-13, 20:40
Every penny saved is a good thing.

I have done a few shops from this site and everything is good. I have no compliants at the moment.

Ps the toilet roll is really good stuff

29-01-13, 20:46
Thank you for sharing this, I have just ordered some groceries from them :)

17-02-13, 11:56
Thank you for sharing this, I have just ordered some groceries from them :)

Hi Annie

How did you find it?
They have some good stuff ideal if someone is planning a kids bday party on the cheap.
My orders means the kids have school packed lunches sorted for the next 6 months LOL:yesyes:

17-02-13, 13:58
Very good...my hubby was impressed with the fig rolls :D

17-02-13, 14:01
Good Good :)

I did say the toilet roll was good...I would need it after fig rolls:D

17-02-13, 14:14
Good Good :)

I did say the toilet roll was good...I would need it after fig rolls:D
