View Full Version : Diagnosed with coeliac disease.

29-01-13, 17:47
Hi, today I've found out I have coeliac disease which means I cant eat gluton or wheat. It explains the anemia and digestive problems I've been having for years. I started having these problems since I was 15-16, I'm now 20. I'm a bit concerned they've only found out the cause now but also relived at the same time. I did a bit research on the condition and found that it increases the risk of bowel cancer and lymphoma of the gut. Obviously due to health anxiety I'm worried about this. What if I have cancer and don't know about it? If anyone has this condition please can you give me some advice? I'm worried that because I've had this problem for so long I've left it to long and it could be too late. I'm going for a biopsy for it so that it shows up 100% I have it but will anything cancerous show up in the biopsy? Also I don't know if anyone knows what symptoms cancer of the intestine are, I'm sure they're similar to most digestive problems. I'm worried, if anyone has this problem I'd love to hear from you.

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 14:51 ----------


29-01-13, 18:27
Please don't worry about this! I have similar digestive problems and have done for as long as I can remember. Literally millions of other people have it as well. The prevalence is 1%-2% (which is really quite common) amongst the Western population. Even Novak Djokovic, one of the fittest and healthiest athletes in the world, has coeliac disease. It is manageable and will certainly not kill you!

If there is anything else wrong with you, the tests you are currently having will 100% find it. But really, there isn't anything else wrong with you. You have a digestive problem that you can manage quite easily by being careful with your diet. Stress is also something that you should cut out. Your gut will appreciate it! Also, don't google symptoms of other diseases, because you know that you will then start to experience these symptoms and freak out about an illness you do not have. Such is the nature of HA.

Relax and be happy that you have a simple solution to your digestive problems. You will feel so much better as soon as you cut out gluten and wheat!

29-01-13, 18:48
I have Crohn's disease and diverticular disease and I was told that I was twice as likely to get bowel cancer but this is twice as likely of a very small number still if that makes sense.

29-01-13, 23:56
Thankyou both, I think I'm just worried because its only just picked up. You're right hopefully when I change my diet and start on iron tablets I'll feel better and it will hopefully give me a better mood aswel.