View Full Version : Does it EVER get any better?

03-09-06, 13:56
Trying not to think about it. But I need to post.

Does this ever get better. Or do we just learn to live with the restrictions anxiety places upon us?

I learned to live with the symptoms of nausea, diahorrea, and hot& cold chills. Now my body has given me palpitations, dizziness, breathing difficulty, tight chest, sore neck, dry mouth. Along with these now is the fear that I will have an attack in public, like at work.

I am taking seroxat, and have been for a couple of months now. Should I be getting better not worse. Is it the pills or the illness? I used to think that even though it was difficult I would probably not end up totally agraphobic. But now I'm not so sure. The future looks entirely bleak so far as I can see. :(


03-09-06, 14:04
awww bob i know how ya feel hun and yes it does get better but you have to work on yaself to get better and not think about the future and ect .just stay into today cause we dont want to get over whelmed with what about next wek even next month maybe even tomorrow...i can say this cause i have thots like that myself and have to shake them off its hard but u can do it I wish u all the best hang in there your gonna be ok............Linda xxxxx[8D]

03-09-06, 14:11
thanks for your reply lin. I just feel so scared and sad today. If the future continues the way the last few weeks have in particular I don't want to be a part of it. I wouldn't do anything silly...cos that would harm my little girl. But its just so hard right now.


03-09-06, 14:13
Hey Lisa,

Aw hugs for you honey. Sorry your feeling so down but we all here for you. Hugs in loads coming your wayxxxxx

Take Care


03-09-06, 14:36
oh i hope it gets better lisa, but it will take hard work from us all. just feel so tired at the moment as do you

one day


03-09-06, 17:04
Thanks all for your replies again. Sorry to be so depressing and desperate. Sometimes its all too much.

I must rethink my focus to dealing with today, and tomorrow can bring what it may. Its the unpredictability that gets to me. One day I can do something and another its almost impossible. But adding pressure of worrying about the future is not going to help me I know.

Thanks again. Don't know where I'd be without you!


03-09-06, 17:20
keep yor chin up, you are just feeling a bit down and scared at the mo,
and you are entitled to hun.
things will get better soon.

we are all stronger people after having this

03-09-06, 17:31
Listen my doctor who i believe is really good reckons you have to be on seroxat for a yesr to top up your levels properly. That doesn't mean it will take a year to work just that you may have relapses! Keep your chin up.

polly daydream
03-09-06, 18:04
Hi, stay positive sweety, you will get there in the end, we all have off days believe me.

Take care,

Polly x

03-09-06, 20:37
Thank you so much for all your lovely replies. I feel a bit better this evening.

Thanks for advice about seroxat. As I said to my husband....I don't really want to be on meds, but I do want to have a life, and if thats what it takes for now so be it. When I have these bad days (and I've had a lot of them recently) I feel the meds aren't working and lose hope.

Its so good to have reassurance from people who understand.


03-09-06, 21:51
Hi Lisa,
I have a little story to tell and maybe it will give you hope. As many people here know, my anxiety was really very bad and even when I went to my Doctor, he had to come outside of the surgery to treat me!!

Anyway, last week I went into the surgery, had my asthma check, had my anxiety review and then HAD MY SMEAR!!! All by myself I might add. The Doctor told me that a year ago I would never have dreamt that I could do it.

So you see it DOES get better, but you must never give up trying.
Hope this helps.


04-09-06, 13:54

It certainly does get better.

I hope that along with your Seroxat you are having some therapy like CBT as that is maximizing the benefits of being on an SSRI.

Dry mouth is Seroxat induced probably as well as a degree of anxiety and all the rest you listed are very usual anxiety symptoms.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

04-09-06, 20:35
Thanks Christine for your message full of hope! Its good to know that it is possible. How did you do it? What helped you get through?

I am determined that this will not restrict my life and that of my family (who also suffer because of my illness). They are wonderful and are only ever concerned for me, but it still saddens me when we can't do things, though I try not to take all the blame. I know its the illness and not really me.

Thanks Meg for your reply also. My GP says that counselling is more accessible than CBT and may be enough. Also that the counsellor is likely to be able to advise me on some CBT style self help. I'm waiting for an appointment.

I made it to work today (after six weeks off). It was EXTREMELY hard. I was very anxious and practically in tears this morning. I desperately wanted to run away on several occasions. The butterflies and anxiety were so strong. But it didn't turn into full panic and I managed to stay all day. Though now I'm shattered, and still have the rest of the week to cope with. And my husband is working away overnight tonight. But I have made it through the first day which is always the worst.

Thanks to everyone for all the support you give me here. ((hug))


05-09-06, 16:14
Good for you Lisa. Really well done

Take heart from what you have done and know that it is achieveable and within your reach - but take it steady and be prepared for a rocky journey. A slip is not a catastrophy.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

05-09-06, 17:16
Thanks for your message Meg.

Day 2 at work was better. I had a chat with my boss yesterday and he was great! Really understanding and wants to help. Asked me how I was feeling today.

I was anxious at bed time last night because that was the hard bit before. but I pretended to myself that I wasn't. I told myself I was glad to be going to bed because I love my bed (its usually true!). Also glad to be alone because I could read my book without disturbing anyone.

Also told myself repeatedly that Tuesday would be better because the first day is always worst even when I'm not anxious. And it was better today.

Tried to eat a healthy breakfast. I had been having too much sugar (chocolate) because I was fed up, but I think that makes panic worse. I treated my body better today. And it paid me back by behaving better too. Don't feel any near as bad today. Roll on tomorrow!


05-09-06, 17:34
Fantastic. You star !! Result. LOL

Yes sugar hits like in chocolate are dreadful when you're acute. Exacerbates anxiety dreadfully.

I had to have 3 months clear of all alcohol, sugar and caffiene when I was acute and it helped so much not to have those chemically induced reactions

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)
sugar addiction and our moods. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6908)
Low GI foods and furit juice! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7553)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

05-09-06, 17:49
i've found i'm not so bad if i keep off sugar


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

09-09-06, 22:15
Thanks netty

Its giving up chocolate thats the hard bit! I've been looking after my body better this week, and I think that's really helped. Though I confess I was really glad when I reached Friday.

I'll keep going with the low GI and keep my fingers crossed.

09-09-06, 22:47
Hi Lisa,

I've been reading through your posts and it had made me so sad, as it has been like reading my own diary five years ago. I suffered crippling anxiety and I felt so terrified and lonely that reading your messages has struck a real chord with me.

What I want to say to you is that it certainly will get better. I was put onto Seroxat, and I can't praise it highly enough. I did feel worse before I got better, but after a few weeks I was actually able to function normally. Please don't be ashamed of taking it - after all, you'd take insulin if you were diabetic, or painkillers for a toothache. The stigma towards anti depressants really doesn't help people who need them.

Since then, I've been pretty much panic free for five years. I do get the odd relapse (I think we always will - I'm having one now, hence why I'm looking on this site, but it is not even a tenth of what I used to be like) but I find they only last for a few weeks and I can generally get on with things and ride it out. Getting through it once gives you the confidence to do it again.

Work will be hard, you're always going to be shattered - with the amount of adrenaline kicking round your body, it'll feel like you've run a marathon everyday! It is a real struggle, and sometimes you'll feel really wobbly, but those times lessen as you get more confident. And don't beat yourself up if you have a blip - we all do, and I'm as bad as anybody for getting frustrated with myself, but I find when I'm thinking more rationally, I appreciate how strong I've been to get through what I have, and you may even find yourself being proud of what you've achieved!

Thinking of you babe!


16-10-06, 21:33
Hi Hayley

I've just read your reply. Thanks for that inspiring message!

I am still coping (just tired at moment). This last 4 weeks has not been too bad. I've cut out coffee completely. I usually have 1 cup of normal tea, and the rest is herbal or water. The occasional square of very rich dark chocolate as a treat!

Interestingly though - this month PMT has not been too bad. I was a bit twitchy for a few days feeling the adrenaline run through me. But I didn't let it get the better of me. I don't of its the GI diet, or the multi vitamins with minerals etc that helped. But it all helps stabilise my blood sugar and hormones and I have certainly had a better month.

Last weekend I decided we could all have a treat (and I would test myself) and bought toffee cheesecake. I had a small piece and let others share. I was buzzing and quite anxious later on. It showed me that cutting out the sugar has been a really good thing and was quite an interesting experiment!!


17-10-06, 19:53
It does get better. Two years ago I felt dreadful; anxious constantly, panic attacks in shops or groups of people, verging on agoraphobic. All due to anxiety about my heart. It has been a struggle, but gradually I have felt better and come to deal with my negative thoughts and illogical thinking. I still have setbacks - haven't been so good this last week - but nothing like I was. Sometimes I just forget to ba anxious.