View Full Version : my teenagers stressed, any advice

29-01-13, 22:20
My 15 year old is having intermittent chest pains, bad sleep and othr aches and pains....shes going doctors on Thurs but Im pretty sure its stress :( FFS, is it because she is seeing me the same way....Ive been like this for weeks and I am honest with my kids to a degree about whats wrong with me...what can I do to help her? I had a chat that it really doesnt matter THAT much about exams etc but kids dont open up,that much do they. Im feeling so guilty that Ive been so wrapped up in how crap Im feeling that I didnt see this coming....any advice please!!!:scared15:

29-01-13, 23:44
how long has she been feeling like this and what else has occured other than exams that she could be stressed about if you dont mind me asking.?

29-01-13, 23:58
Hi. I think it's good that you're honest with your kids. It might be adding a bit of stress on top of the stress she already has if she's worrying about you but that's only because she cares about you and you can't help that. But my mum never used to tell me much about her health problems and wasn't open with me and it made the stress worse because I didn't know what was going on or what I should do. I wish she'd treated me like an adult.

I found 15 a really stressful age. Exams, making decisions about what to do after GCSEs, problems with boys, problems with friends, hormonal swings... It's an age when you're approaching adulthood but still stuck as a child. At 16 you start to get more adult rights and responsibilities and at 13 and 14 you are still kind of a child. Encourage her to talk to you about what's worrying her but also let her know that it's fine if ehe doesn't feel comfortable confiding in you and would rather talk to a friend, teacher, school nurse, counsellor etc. Going to the doctors is definitely a good idea and also talk to her school and see if they have any services that can help her.

30-01-13, 07:48
Shes been mentioning the chest pains for a couple of weeks but it did happen once a few months ago too.
Thanks for the support unspoken, she has a great bunch of friends which is good....I will contact the school as I sure there is something they can do too.

30-01-13, 09:44
If your daughter's a healthy 15-year-old, it's likely to be psychological - so many pressures at that age, plus hormones and a changing body.

If your school has a counselor, I'd go that route. They know the territory.

Best of luck.

30-01-13, 20:24
Thanks :)

Daisy Sue
30-01-13, 20:31
just keep the lines of communication open, make sure she knows she can tell you anything, confide in you, and that despite your own issues, you've always got time for her... my daughter is so sensitive, over-sensitive, and sometimes i have to drag things out of her when i know she's brooding... and basically she's kept it in because i've not been well, or i'm tired etc..

30-01-13, 20:38
Im making an extra effort to do that, its probably bugging the crap out of her but shes actually spent more time downstairs this last couple of days than she has in ages so thats a real bonus, and no pains today.
Ive told her that she can tell me anything,I love her :)
Thanks for your input :)