View Full Version : Omeprazole possible?

30-01-13, 01:27

I know it may sound silly, but its really worrying me. My eyes have gotten very dark underneath and a little sunken in, mom says its not much but i see it differently.
Anyway, i'm worried it may be realted to the acid reflux thing i supposedly have, i think its something thats infecting my body and is now making a physical appearance in the form of dark eyes. Or could it be side effect of omeptazole?

Im really scared that im slowly dying and nobody can see it :(

my uncle died of a rare cancer 5/6 years ago. He kept going to doctors with bad back, eventually he got diagnosed with a rare cancer and died 6 weeks later :( was a shock to say the least! And now im worried the same thing is going to happen to me, theyve told me its acid reflux and its actually cancer.


30-01-13, 01:46
I am not sure about whether or not acid reflux or omeprazole could cause dark suken eyes, but I CAN tell you that when I am stressed and over tired I feel like my eyes look like that too. I would guess that your eyes are just like that b/c you have been worrying so much. But, as far as the cancer scare, did you get basic blood work? I would also tell your doctor exactly what type of cancer you are afraid of, and how your uncle had it, so you are worried it is genetic. He can't ignore that, and then you can find out for sure that you are okay.

30-01-13, 02:09
Lack of sleep and dehydration can cause this.

I have dark circles under mine at the moment and have both!

31-01-13, 21:03
Thanks, i have been worrying an awful lot, feeling depressed, anxious and stressed too. Hopefully it is just that. I've had blood tests in the past, they always come up clear but i mentioned to my doctor i want tests next time i see him and he said he happy to arrange that if i'd like, he also said "we'll make sure you'll be okay" which made me think gosh, must be lucky to have such a good doctor to say something like that.

I got a letter through today to see psychologist about my anxiety...finally! its just an assesment but its a step closer ^_^

31-01-13, 23:28
Anxiety and stress can cause dark circle as can depression. I have had dark circles for about 6 years now and I'm only 32. All since my anxiety got bad, it can take a toll on your appearance when stressed.

I've been on Omeprazole and while and never heard about dark circles from it.

Good luck with your appointment, I bet its the start of the road to recovery x