View Full Version : Irrational thinking and thoughts

30-01-13, 13:20

I have suffered with anxiety for years now but it usually manifests itself in physical symptoms. However, over the last few months, I have started to feel myself thinking really weird and strange things and worrying about them, experiencing strange emotions and feelings towards loved ones, i.e. do I love them? Do I need them in my life? etc. I also have no patience with my husband or children at the minute and it's really getting me down. I feel numb and emotionless too at times!

I also keep getting waves of sheer panic and feel awful for a few minutes then it goes away.

Is this normal?



30-01-13, 22:33

What you describe is 'normal' for someone with anxiety and/or depression. Have you talked to your gp about these new symptoms? It's important not to let things go too far without getting some advice, you might need additional help at the moment.

I do understand how you're feeling, I get like this too. It's scary. Although it's common to feel this way, like I said, that doesn't mean you can ignore it.


31-01-13, 16:53
Thanks for your advice.

It is strange because I had an episode like this in November then it went away and now its come back! Hate myself for snapping all the time. Just want it to go away.


04-02-13, 08:35
I have the same thing. Feelings of rage and not wanting to be around my family coz I think they're horrible then when I realise I think like this about everyone i hate myself for it.
I'm sure it's the illness but its sooooo hard!

07-02-13, 16:16
Its so frustrating when you know what you want but your mind won't let you have it!! I don't want to start on medication as having suffered from anxiety for years, I have managed without. Any suggestions how to stop my mind over-thinking all the time?



09-02-13, 16:04
believe me, their is to much tabboo about taking medication for anxiety. if you have a physical illness you take medication, mental problems are no different. medication can work wonders and give you that quality of life back. i used to suffer so bad with anxiety and irrational thoughts that i wished i was never born. i wanted to fight it myself and not go on medication. however i ended up going on citalopram and it is a god send. my life is back to normal, i feel great and can,t express how much medication has helped my life. it doesn't make you feel high or anything, it just makes me feel normal again.

09-02-13, 19:23
I weaned myself off prozac back in October thinking that I was better and I lasted until mid January but then all the stress I was experiencing manifested as physical symptoms and I just wanted to run away and hide from life, I realised I wasn't coping and now I'm on week 3 of trying Paroxetine for the 1st time, I've suffered hardly any side effects and am MUCH less stressed/depressed than I have been for a long time.
CBT is very useful in changing your thought behaviours as is physcotherapy which helps to understand why we think this way and then to look at changing our thoughts.
I find meds help at times when I can no longer control my own thoughts.
Good luck with whatever you do x

09-02-13, 21:13
hi i to was like you no patience snapping all the time at my husband an kids everthing got on my nerves an just couldn,t be bothered with anything crippled with anxiety every day mind racing with erational thoughts physical symptoms stomach in knots feeling sick on edge all the time kept trying to cope on my own kept wondering why i felt like this this went on n off for years kept going to doctors but didn,t won,t to take meds but eventually ask the doctor for something as felt couldn,t cope anymore she gave me citalopram best thing i ever had wish i would have had it years ago stopped the anxiety an all the physical symptoms few side affect at first but well worth it hope this helps.

17-02-13, 20:07
The basis of all of my anxiety is irrational thoughts. I've had them my whole life but always coped until the past year. Like you, I've been reluctant to take any medication, but I'm beginning to think it's time for me to give pills a go. I can't live like this forever.

20-02-13, 12:48
Thanks for the advice. I have asked the Dr to put me on Buspirone and am going to give it a go.

The irrational thoughts are changing constantly and the minute I wake up in a morning, I think to myself "what do I have to worry about today" and then it all starts again.

I just want to go back to me the fulfilled happy old me!!


20-02-13, 14:18
I'm starting to find the old me again through a combination of CAT and the meds and trying not to sweat the small stuff

20-02-13, 14:47
Did you suffer from irrational thoughts and feelings? If so, has the medication helped?


20-02-13, 18:28
Yes, even the CBT I had was no match for it, I started taking Paroxetine almost 6 weeks ago and it seems to have 'freed' my mind from the thoughts chasing each other, giving me a chance to try and make some changes in my life.
The negative thinking hasn't stopped but reduced enough for me to cope better.

03-06-13, 22:34
how did buspirone go?

04-06-13, 14:40
This is really what i stuggle with, that constant feeling of dread and mind chatter, and stuff. No meds as yet but i think it may be time x

20-04-16, 22:52
My dosage of paroxetine has been increased to 40mg as the irrational thoughts are back but now turned inwards with guilt that I am to blame for others' negative thoughts!
I stopped drinking alcohol in October 2013 and my mind felt like it was returning to 'normal(ish)'.
My recent anxiety/depression combo is more a result of living with my husband's PTSD, teenage daughter, teenage AD step-daughter and younger sibling... Never a break since my role has increased to be carer for my husband... So hard but still keeping on with the brain re-training