View Full Version : Burping up food (sorry yuk)

30-01-13, 15:26
Hi there
I recently posted about an ache in the centre of my chest.
I'm pretty sure it can't be my heart, as I've had this for over
3 weeks on and off.
This pain seems to move from behind and below both of my
I keep burping up food with liquid too. Yuck I'm sorry!!
I've been taking 30mg Lansoprazole for a few years now,
I had an endoscopy done a few years ago, and no way am I
Having that done again.
Could this be trapped wind? Does anyone else get this?
It's scaring me to be honest. I just wish I didn't think that every
Chest twinge or sharp pain is my heart!!!

My food also feels as if its stuck under my boobs

Any help would be fab. Thanks xxx

Daisy Sue
30-01-13, 15:29
hiya... it certainly sounds like a gastric flare to me.. if you've been on the lansoprazole for all this time, it might be worth seeing your gp again to see if the drug needs changing, or the dosage increasing, as you're suffering so much just now.

you can reduce a lot of the symptoms by diet too... try following a light diet, very small snacks throughout the day rather than any big heavy meals.. drinks lots, water, dilute tea, and avoid anything irritant such as acidic foods or drinks, spicy or vinegary things, and hard to digest vegetables/peels.

30-01-13, 16:48
Hi Daisy

Thanks so much for your speedy reply, can always rely on the
Lovely people on here!!

I'm seeing the doctor on the 5 th Feb for my high BP, to see
If the new pills have brought it down.
So will tell her then.
Just wish I could get this heart worry out of my silly head.
I know that being diagnosed with high BP has worried the
Heck out of me and that's probably where this worry is stemming
I'm a tea fanatic but only like strong tea, so stopping that is
Going to be hell.

Thanks again sweetheart and I do hope your well xxx

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

Hi again

Ive just had a toasted brown bread ham sandwich with a glass of water and within 10 mins im burping it back up (thank god it dont taste that bad haha)

does anyone know can we get trapped wind in the chest area?

Daisy Sue
30-01-13, 20:05
:) i'm not too bad, ta, waiting on some results so i've kinda got my happy on hold, trying to be brave & all that ;)

yes definitely, trapped wind can be felt in your chest area... it can 'get stuck' under your ribs causing pain around what you might think is your heart area, it can also cause a sharp pain at the very tip of your shoulders, weirdly enough. trapped wind can be very very painful, more than people can imagine..

anxiety can make us bolt our food & thus swallow air, without us being aware we're doing it, so possibly the worry about your BP could be adding to this problem.

i have loads of tips for tummy issues lol.. years of Crohn's Disease & other tummy issues have taught me a lot..

chew slowly, have sips of drink with your food, keep off chewing gum & fizzy drinks, sipping hot water helps gas, and if you're sickly, drop a mint sweet into the hot water.... and i think it might be an idea to ask your doc if you'd be a candidate for an anti-spasmodic medicine, such as Buscopan - they help soothe the whole digestive system, but i wouldn't buy any over the counter until you've got the ok from your doc.

30-01-13, 20:14
I burp/bring up food, but I always have done, I think it's refulx?
Theres like a flap of skin muscle that closes and prevents the food from coming back up but mine is a bit weak so sometimes food can come up again. I don't really know much more about it sorry.

a few days back,I was having horrible chest and back pains, it was a tight, sharp, achy pain that seemed to move around a lot.
I honestly was worried, the pain would rise and fall but when it got bad, ah I was scared.
I noticed though that when I drank water and burped it actually helped a bit.
I had this for hours until I fell asleep and I woke up and it was gone.

I do notice sometimes when I burp I get almost the same pain that spreads across my chest and then just goes away.

could it be indigestion? trapped wind?
I am not really sure how it works, but I did eat a probiotic yogurt today just to help my tummy.

my pain was worse just under my should blades and in the center of my chest.
I do get an ache just under my breasts, where the rips are or where the band of your bra would go, it's worse on the right side and it can spread in my side/rip area too,

I really do think you can get trapped wind, like in your tummy, chest, throat, thats where I can feel it sometimes.
If you think about it part of your tummy does go up into the left side of your chest and your food/wind pipe runs right up the center so if wind does get trapped I guess it expands causing pressure and pain.