View Full Version : brain tumours

03-09-06, 18:03
my first post and i'm scared
please dont think i am going crazy but i have a fuzzy/hot/full feeling in my head and a sensation of wanting to just cry...and lose control..
i dont want to google but are these the symptoms of brain tumours?? or insanity?

03-09-06, 18:13
Hi Fly,

A big warm welcome to you. I dont think you have a brain tumour and well done for not googling. No you are not mad you have anxiety. This forum is great for people like us. You are not alone and we are all here for each other.

Take Care


03-09-06, 18:30
Hi there, sorry you are feeling rough right now, You are not insane, well done for not 'googling' that just makes the mind work overtime. I can almost guarantee you do not have a brain tumour, it so sounds like tension and anxiety! Please be re-assured that symptoms of brain tumours do not make you feel this way. Have a good look around this site, there is such a lot of information that will help put your mind at rest. Take care and keep in touch xx

03-09-06, 18:38
Please dont google i used to and have weaned myself off but am still dealing with effects!!!

polly daydream
03-09-06, 18:48
Hi and welcome to the forum. You defo have no brain tumour, just anxiety. Insanity no, someone that is insane doesn't realise that they are, well done for not googling.

Take care,


04-09-06, 16:39
It seems like I am not the only one who googles. If I am down and have a problem I always go on the internet and look for the most extreme reasons for this. I am fine when I am not depressed, but it seems like I just have punish myself by looking when I am low. Does anyone else do this? - I mean look for the worst case scenario. Could you give examples? To prove I am not going mad!

06-09-06, 18:01
thank you all so much...it means a lot to me that people understand xx

09-09-06, 10:35
Welcome. It really is reassuring to know you're not the only one who feels the way you do isn't it...and you certainly aren't. To SMITHJAM1 - I am afraid I have "given in to the google" and am always looking for something physical to explain the sensations I am experiencing - i think i ascribe to the "forwarned is forearmed" way of dealing with things. My bf and family get really angry at me when they know that I've done this coz they know it usually makes things worse - well done to everyone who doesn't google and who accepts that though it feels crap it is anxiety. Examples to prove you aren't going mad...headaches, dizziness, ear infections. etc. etc. etc.!

You certainly are not going mad

"This too, shall pass"

april tones
10-09-06, 16:44
Awwwww we have all been there hunny! ur in good hands here xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

10-09-06, 18:14
awwwww sorry u feeling bad but please dont google it can make ya mind go mad............i know its scry but its anxiety...look at the forums and good people here who will understand......best to ya Linda[8D]

12-09-06, 21:33
hi there - yep i have had this symtom and sat in the docs and sworn blind i have a brain tumor - i have had all the ct's mri's everything and alls normal !!! im sure your fine xxxx