View Full Version : Scrared!!! CANCER??

30-01-13, 18:24
ill start from the begginning

i have recently started suffering with severe HA which started fter my son was born in june my auntie passed away in febury 2012 38 year old.

anyway thts the back story my problem is i think i have CANCER

i have had all the common anxiety symptoms nd more but with a difference i have three swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck which havnt shrank in over a month

i have been to the doctors with this problem and they did a fbc which was normal and told me to come back in 2 month however when i was there i only knew about 1 node swelling i noticed the other two the next day i have hd some ear pain so i was thinking mybe n ear infection but tht woud show on fbc wouldnt it??

im really scared theyve missed somthing but dont want to go back to the doctors as ive been 6 times in a month and they are starting to look at me silly .

i will post a list of symptoms below please tell me what you think this is ruining my life.


*pressure under chin
*swollen lyphnodes
*shoulder pain
* stiff neck
*aching armpit
*groin pain
*ear pain

Many more symptoms but al anxiety related and the dr has checked my groin and armpit for nodes but found nothing although i dont believe she checked properly

please help

Daisy Sue
31-01-13, 02:13
i honestly don't think your symptoms are anything to be so scared about but - the simple fact that you've said they are ruining your life is enough reason to go back to the doctor, no matter how many times you've been, or how funnily they look at you.

all we need is reassurance sometimes, and also the chance to feel we have enough time to explain exactly how scared we are - so maybe ask to see a different gp, and if possible see if you can book a double appointment so you don't feel rushed.

i know we should try not to rush off to the doc with every little fear, but i do feel in your case, if it's upsetting you to that extent, you should go again... i think i would.