View Full Version : Could Adrenal gland problems be causing anxiety

30-01-13, 21:58
Hi,I'm a 31yr old male my attitude to life is if u can't fix a problem don't worry yourself about it what will be will be and I've been that way all my life I have never let anything get to me,that was untill 2yrs ago when I was diagnosed with health anxiety after I funny turn I had at work which in all honestly did resemble a panic attack I'm now 2yrs in and I'm still feeling really ill,my question is could a problem with my adrenal glands be the cause of my body producing this adrenalin that's causing all my anxiety symptoms,I'm just not convinced that all my symptoms are in my head and I'm causing them due to worrying about them,my life is perfect fair enough I'm not rich and my 3 young girls play up now and then and ok work is hard but that's life I love my life and I wouldn't change it well apart from anxiety,can anyone shed some light on this please. Seanydee xx

30-01-13, 22:04
I am currently going through the same thing. I now think my thyroid is causing panic and anxiety. I have also suggested adrenal glands to my GP.
As my thyroid blood tests were normal, I am not being referred for more tests, but as I am inclined to get a little bit obsessional once I get an idea in my head, I am trying to get an ultrasound just to check .
I know that when glands go funny it can make you feel weird and anxious but my GP disagrees in my case and thinks it is purely anxiety.
It does not help that I change my diagnoses so often. Have you checked with your GP about your adrenal glands?

30-01-13, 22:15
Thanks for the reply :)The reason I ask is because I had an ultrasound on my upper abdominal 2 months ago and went to my gp a week later for my results he said that everything looked fine but the noticed a small hemangioma on my liver which was nothing to worry about but he's using that as an excuse to get me in for a full body MRI scan which will check everything then he mentioned that this MRI will even check my adrenal glands for any problems he told me that he's convinced the scan will be all normal and it's my anxiety that's causing all my problems,I know what your going threw I just can't admit to myself it's anxiety thats behind all my problems x

30-01-13, 22:19
Hi you probably know I have a liver hemingioma as well and have been convinced it is really liver cancer for months. I had a follow up ultrasound where they said they still think it is a hemingioma.
You are lucky you have been offered a MRI, I have been refused loads of times. I'm sure you will be fine and once you have been for the MRI you can rule out physical causes and tackle the anxiety. :)

30-01-13, 23:10
Sorry to hear that you've been refused,what's the reason the wont put u in for one.I ask for a full body MRI at the begining of all this 2 yrs ago but they refused me I just hope to god that they don't find anything so I can admit to myself it is anxiety and get on with tackling the beast x

31-01-13, 02:38
I am no doctor, so I cannot really answer about adrenal glands, as I do not even know where they are! But, I can tell you that anxiety is often a very physical experience (as opposed to emotional) You should try reading Claire Weekes books. She explains it so well. Basically, our bodies become "sensitized" once that happens, symptoms kind of just take a mind of their own. I find all the time my heart will just race totally out of the blue. Yes, once it happens I panic. But, I know for fact it happens even when I am not consciously anxious. I am just going through a hypersensitive patch right now...

31-01-13, 10:19
I think an overactive thyroid can play a part in adrenaline and it usually makes you eat less. I think it is worth mentioning it to your doctor though I think you can get a blood test for it. As far as I know I think ive had mine checked.

31-01-13, 11:44
Ah, well that's the thing about anxiety/panic Seanydee. It isn't "all" in your head because it creates real physical symptoms. Those symptoms won't harm you but it doesn't mean they're not real.

You could be producing excessive adrenalin or it could be a thyroid problem. Your doctor will do a blood test for the latter. I don't now how they test your adrenaline production but I'm sure there must be a way.

But equally it could "just" be anxiety, it can seem to come out of the blue. Having said that, there's usually a trigger, sometimes quite an insignificant one. Think back to 2 years ago - what was going on in your life?

31-01-13, 22:07
Thanks for the reply brunette,2yrs ago my 3rd little girl was due to be born and I was moving house aswell,my doctor seems to think I burnt myself out juggling my kids,work and decorating our new home in time for lacie mai's arrival which at the time made sense but that was 2yrs ago.Ive had countless blood test for Alsorts including thyroid problems,camera up and down both ends.....not pleasant lol an MRI on my head,ultra sound on upper and lower abdominal and testicals,stool and urine samples,plenty or ECG's and even a treadmill ECG and all they've found is what my doctor says is a small hemangioma on my liver,im scheduled a full body MRI at the end of feb.My symptoms are that severe I'm finding it hard to believe I'm not dying I have to force myself to go to work everyday,if it wasn't for the love I have for my family I wouldn't go to work at all it's my family that's stopping me from giving up altogether xx

01-02-13, 15:40
Thanks for the reply brunette,2yrs ago my 3rd little girl was due to be born and I was moving house aswell,my doctor seems to think I burnt myself out juggling my kids,work and decorating our new home in time for lacie mai's arrival which at the time made sense but that was 2yrs ago.Ive had countless blood test for Alsorts including thyroid problems,camera up and down both ends.....not pleasant lol an MRI on my head,ultra sound on upper and lower abdominal and testicals,stool and urine samples,plenty or ECG's and even a treadmill ECG and all they've found is what my doctor says is a small hemangioma on my liver,im scheduled a full body MRI at the end of feb.My symptoms are that severe I'm finding it hard to believe I'm not dying I have to force myself to go to work everyday,if it wasn't for the love I have for my family I wouldn't go to work at all it's my family that's stopping me from giving up altogether xx

There you go! that's the answer as to what your anxiety was triggered two years ago.

Now that might seem too long ago to be relevant now but, believe me, once you get wound up to that level it can be very difficult to come back down again. Anxiety becomes your "new normal" even if you don't want it to be.

Basically you need to find a way to "reset" to what you were before. And when I say that, sometimes that means you can't actually go back to being exactly the way you were before because that's why you developed anxiety in the first place. You have to become a different, more calm and less stressed person, by whatever means works for you.

Apart from actual medical tests have you ever actually done anything which addresses your anxiety - CBT, relaxation tapes, yoga, massage, self help books, meditation - all of these? Because if you haven't, it's time to start thinking about it.

01-02-13, 15:52
I am currently being retested for Cortisol levels, which I'm pretty sure is secreted by the adrenal glands. My last blood test showed rather high levels of this hormone along with prolactin. However these are two that increase when you are under stress. The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys. Prolactin is produced by the pituary gland(I think LOL)

My mother and aunt both suffer from Addison's Disease (where the adrenal glands stop producing sufficient adrenaline to keep you going) so I am very vigilant about this as I am wary that I am at risk of developing it also.

Hope this helped (maybe not LOL)

Take care x